𝐔𝐧𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐜 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑/𝐄𝐧𝐝

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It's morning once again, with only this time Darryl woke up from knockings on his Door. Darryl only groaned as he got up " Who is it?" He asked loudly.

The person didn't answered rather made their knockings even louder, with also pressing the door bell. " Whoes this obnoxious person, are they playing a prank or something?" Darryl thought as he went to the door.

He didn't bothered on looking at the peep
hole, and just unlocked the door and opened it. When he did though he was surprised as his envelop to a hug and face pressed towards someones chest.

He didn't had the time to process it and took a few seconds before pushing the person away. " Who?...." Darryl's too dumbfounded to speak.

He just looked at the person surprised " Uhm your here" Darryl blurted out.

The person only placed a hand on Darryl's cheeks " yes I'm here, I immediately came here when you weren't answering my messages and calls" Zak replied.

Darryl bit the inside of his cheeks before bitting on his bottom lip " uhm why did you came here anyways, I thought you were never gonna talk to me anymore" Darryl said

Zak only luaghed " why would that happen? I'm Your bestfriend I mean yeah let's be honest it's weird to find out your bestfriend is your lover but let's talk about that later" Zak hugged Darryl once more.

"Uhm so you look horrible right now, so I guess take a bath for now Imma wait at the couch" Zak instructed

Darryl hit Zak on the shoulder before rolling his eyes, he left the room and took a shower, still a bit surprised and a bit worried. Zak brought in his luggage then sat on the couch while just rapidly tapping his feet on the floor just a little anxious.

Not long after Darryl came back with damp hair, he sat at the solo couch away from Zak while fidgeting with his fingers. Zak only crossed his eyebrows, and looked at Darryl " I've came here from a long way and your just gonna sit away from me?"

Darryl only put his head down " I feel awkward".

Zak just giggled which made Darryl blush hearing it in real life now. " You're blushing" Zak teased

" I'm not, that's.... That's a stupid accusation" Darryl said

Zak cocked his eyebrows " really so I don't make you blush?"

Darryl looked at Zak in a glaring way and nodded, Zak only nodded as he went to Darryl. Darryl could feel his face heating up already and so he gulped, Darryl was stuck in a few seconds daze not really believing Zak's finally met up with him.

And without noticing he felt a kiss on the cheek, Darryl's eyes went wide, with his face turning in to deep crimson color. He tried looking away trying to distract himself, turning his head, left and right avoiding the man he likes.

Zak only smirked seeing how shy Darryl got, it kinda makes him proud seeing him like this" I thought I can't make you blush" Zak said with a raised eyebrow.

" I said you could never make me blush, and that's that never ever would you make me blush" Darryl decided to be hardheaded

Zak fake pouted and started using his childish energetic voice " really? Not even if I do this?".

"Posi-" Darryl didn't finished, when his and Zak's lips collided into a deep kiss. It was a needy one Darryl could conclude, it lasted longer than expected as Zak leaned in even closer making Darryl's back lay on the couch's back rest. And with pulling away Zak licked Darryl's lips as if saying mine.

Darryl blushed really badly, he looked like his having a fever. His in shock from what just had happened his too dumbfounded to speak, however Zak liked seeing Darryl turn into a blushing mess from what he did, really shows how much Darryl loves him.

" Huh so you said I can't make you blush, so is your red face signify you having a fever?" Zak said with a smirk

" Shut up" Darryl said touching his lips

" Stop being sassy Darryl, kinda turns me on. I might lose control" Zak continues his smirk.

Darryl only rolled his eyes, while Zak grabbed one of Darryl's hand " So Darryl, I know it's obvious now on why I came to see you. Beside the fact I was worried because you weren't answering any of calls, messages and you weren't even online.... I came here because I would just like to say I like you too"

Darryl looked down frocing his smile to not be built up, but Zak grabbed Darryl's chin forcing him to look up. " Can I get another kiss?" Zak asked eyeing Darryl's lips.

Darryl didn't answered, Zak only released one airy luagh before saying " silence means yes". Darryl was about to protest as if he doesn't want it, but Zak already pressed his lips towards him.

This time a bit deeper and even needier, it didn't took long for Zak to start pushing his tongue on Darryl's lips making the brunette dumbfounded. Zak growled not getting what he wants so he bit Darryl's lower lip, making the brunette gasph, with that Darryl's lips parted a bit which now gave Zak an entrance.

So he slid in his tongue, and roamed around Darryl's mouth, mostly touching the brunette's tongue. The kiss lasted for a full minute before Zak pulled away panting for air, Darryl's lips looks a bit swollen but Zak's proud his the one that caused that.

" So Darryl" Zak said standing back up straight. Darryl only looked at him ready on what the full sentence would be.

" Would you be my boyfriend?" Darryl buried his face into his hands as he nodded. " Use your words Badboy" Zak said teasingly

" Yes I would love to" Darryl said muffled

Zak hugged Darryl really tightly, Zak then yawned tired from the flight he just arrived.

" Uhm wanna sleep? The guest bedroom is cleaned every week anyways so it's good" Darryl said

Zak smiled, Zak brought his luggage as Darryl escorted him to the bedroom. They got in and Zak sat down his luggage on the floor, Zak then laid down and stretched. Zak then took off his sheos before fully climbing in the bed, Darryl only sighed.

" Well I'll leave you to sleep now" Darryl said as he started walking away the bed, but Zak pulled his arm pulling Darryl in the bed. Zak then cuddled Darryl in an intimate manner " wanna cuddle while I sleep" Zak said.

" Come on Zak, what are you doing?" Darryl protested, Zak only luaghed before whispering " don't worry I have socks on"

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