𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡.

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The blaring sound of alarm woke up Zak causing his eyes to flutter open. He reached to turn off the alarm afterwards a sigh escaped his lips. It's a month within summer vacation now so his mind is still a bit clear from school.

Immediately after sighing he reached for his phone on the night stand unplugging the device from it's charger. He unlocked it smiling to himself, he called Darryl. However the one he was trying to call doesn't seem to answer causing a swarm of worriedness over come Zak's mind.

" Did he finally did it? Did he finally commit what his mind was making him do?" Zak scrambled in thought. Well as you see Darryl's very much depressed not the emo type, but rather the one that doesn't have a will to live, no hope full of family problems. And such other problems, Zak started to bite his nails in worry as the call wasn't answered as it ended.

Zak immediately called a second time, and now a relief came over him as the call was accepted. " Hello?" Darryl said through the other line. Zak let out a sigh of relief " god thought you wer-" Zak didn't finished.

Darryl luaghed at the other end " Dead? No I'm still very much alive. Just don't call this early I'm sleeping so good bye as I will have a nice sleep bye muffin head". Call ended

Zak rolled his eyes stepping out of bed. Zak doesn't really know what he is doing, however it is as if his protecting Darryl from Darryl's own thoughts of unaliving himself. It seems to have been effective for the most part which in turn makes Zak proud.

Zak entered his bathroom taking a shower, afterwards brushing his teeth and then finally getting out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist as he went to the closet to change.

His parents are now at work as he can confirm, there's no noise down stairs anyways. Zak got out his room went down stairs and went straight to the kitchen for breakfast. It's just a little over 8 am right now. Zak's 17 now so his parents just let him cook what he wants. So for today Zak just took out 2 frozen waffles from the freezer put it in a plate and microwaved it.

After the set time was finished, the contraption released a noise signalling of it's now done. Zak opened the microwave taking out the plate, he put butter on top of the waffles then drizzled some syrup and started eating it on his way to the living room.

He sat down the couch that's facing the wall mounted Tv, he then grabbed the remote on the coffee table and turned on the TV switching through the channels and finally settling on a channel that's playing a interesting movie.

Zak ate the waffles as he watched the movie, of course he finished it within a few. But still he kept his attention and watched the whole thing. After watching he stood up grabbing his plate and went to the kitchen to and rinsed it in the sink afterwards he put in the dish washer. That's mostly what his parents instructed, they'll just turn it on when it's full.

After doing so he took out his phone and went back to the living room. He sent a text to Darryl as he sat down " Wat cha wanna do today?" He asked to the brunette.

A few seconds the delivered message on the bottom of message turned to read then Zak saw Darryl typing the response. " Idk, my parents aren't home so it's nice, I don't feel comfortable near them anyways." Darryl replied.

Zak nodded, he did remembered how Darryl explained to him how uncomfortable Darryl is with his own parents. Darryl explained he feels uneasy, he feels something wrong with him, that Darryl feels his gonna do something wrong therefore his preparing for an outbrust.

Zak understood it, even though his parents aren't like that, he understands Darryl as not all parents are the same as other are pretty shitty. Zak wrote his response and clicked sent " I guess so, well me too idk what to do, I'll send you a text later if I think of something nice we could do".

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