𝐔𝐧𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐜 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

683 25 31

This is the fluff oneshot hopefully it's good.

Darryl talking

Me and Zak are currently making a video, bedwars to be exact were just currently entering Minecraft but of course his just balbling and balbling about everything, I'm not really listening to him mostly just lost in my thoughts. I don't really know but ever since I met Zak I thought his voice is kinda childish but pretty cute not gonna lie I just love hearing him talk.

How I wish I could just express my feelings for him, the feelings I've been hiding for so long the feelings that just wanna explode any minute of the day, the feelings that hopefully he'll accept. But I have a hunch that his straight or if not he'll not like me back and he only sees me as a friend, but there's hope right? Probably not oh well

End of Talk

"Darryl, Darryl you there?"

"Badboyhalo hello? bad bad bad bad" Zak kept repeating with his childish energetic voice.

That made Darryl snapped out of his daze, making him aware of Zak calling him " Oh what? What happened?" Darryl frantically said. Zak just luaghed hearing that, he giggled which made Darryl's heart flutter, his face turned red in seconds his so flustered.

Darryl told himself " Thank goodness we don't have face cam"

"Uh yeah, uhm sorry about that was on my phone" Darryl lied

Zak just respond " ok sure, now let's record...... Ok it's now recording".

Zak just said his intro and what not, and Darryl added a few lines which he messed up because Zak kept teasing him. And after doing the intro they started playing bedwars the teams of 2 which they played as teammates.

The count down started and Zak gave Darryl the instructions " you protect, while I attack ". And the game starts Darryl gave Zak a few of the ingots he got, saving a few for himself to buy some wool to box the bed.

While Darryl was boxing the bed close, Zak turned around and saw that red was going towards their base. As of the game Their cyan " RED ARE COMING PROTECT THE BED!".

" Dont flipping shout you dunderhead fudge there I pushed him towards the void" Darryl replied.

"Good" Zak responded as his almost done bridging towards the base next to them, a few moments have passed and Zak broke the bed. Both of them cheered, but eventually got even louder when Zak killed the two players that's on the base.

They continued and after a few minutes Darryl died with their bed getting broken " fudge that sneaky dunderhead, Skeppy you can do this" Darryl said after dieng.

Skeppy started groaning and letting out that childish sound that Darryl thinks is so cute, Darryl giggled hearing that and replied " you can do this Skeppy, I believe in you".

" Why did you freaking die Bad? This is gonna be so hard there's still 2 teams left 2 having their bed" Zak explained

Darryl continued on cheering Zak, and a few moments later Zak started bridging that got fire ball which caused him to die from falling to the void. Darryl let out a frustrated groan " fudge you were so close, ok that was a warm up, it was pretty good warm up nice game Skeppy".

Zak luaghed hearing Darryl say it was a warm up, they played another game with the same result they lost. " Ok ok this is our last warm up Skeppy, and in the next game it's for real" Darryl said.

Zak rolled his eyes " you always say that, but yeah good warm up"

And so they played 2 more games, the first getting called another warm up because they lost. But luckily the second one they won " YES FINALLY see Skeppy having warm ups was a really good Idea".

" Wow so you waited to win and called it a for real game" Zak replied

They both continued on playing, getting a win streak of 6 before Zak getting bored and said " let's play 1v1 in Skywars, we finished recording anyways" Zak said.

" I mean yeah I guess" Darryl replied.

They both entered and started " I GOT AMAZING STUFFS Badboy hahahahha your going down" Zak thunted.

" You ragamuffin that's unfair, I got really bad stuffs" Darryl explained

" It's fair and square hahahhaa now prepare" Zak said as he started bridging towards Darryl. Darryl shot him with arrows hitting him a few times but not successful knocking him off to the void because Zak built a wall on the sides of his bridge.

Darryl started to bridge to get off his island, but his a bit too slow with bridging so when he looked around he saw Zak's diamond derpy face skin, so he screamed like a little child " oh my gosh Skeppy no no, let's talk about this no please no-".

But Zak only luaghed and hit him with his iron sword pushing Darryl to the void. With that Zak wins the round " I hate chu so much right now" Darryl said.

" I feel like a pro player right now" Zak responded confidently

"I...I..I hate chu, I hate chu so much right now" Darryl replied

Zak giggled " you love me"

"No I hate chu" Darryl said

" You love me" Zak answered back

" No I don't I really don't" Darryl responds

" Yes you do" Zak finished

Darryl inhaled deeply his heart is about to explode from butterflies " ugh your so annoying". Darryl tried calming himself down

They played a few more matches Darryl only winning one with Zak mostly winning. Darryl got frustrated and hit his table when he once again fell to the void " you son of gun, ahhhh stop freaking doing that that's so annoying".

" Doing what?" Zak replied giggling

" The one where you'd attack immediately, I'm not ready" Darryl answers

" You're just so bad at this game, I love it" Zak said

Darryl only deeply took a breath and thought to just handle Zak's childish behavior, it maybe cute but in skywars Darryl would slam his fist on a table on how good Zak is in skywars.

"You are such a muffin head" Darryl exclaimed

Zak replied mischievously " Am I a tasty muffin head?"

Darryl blushed " I don't even know what that means" he lied.

Zak only giggled " I just wanna know if I have sprinkles"

Darryl rolled his eyes " you have sprinkles in your head"

" Yey" Zak cheered

" Sprinkles of stupidness" Darryl muttered

Zak was taken back and replied " oh you did not, I heard that"

Darryl only luaghed " and I don't care"

" Wow, just wow Bad you can be sassy at times it's cute but stop it" Zak said

" Welp wait for a moment I'm just gonna get water mk" Zak said his excuse

Darryl sighed before smiling and stretching his back, he heard Zak getting up from his chair while using his table as support to get up. Long hours of gaming really makes your legs feel like jello, Darryl thinned his lips and said out of the blue " I wish we could be lovers, boyfriends possibly".

After saying that, Darryl heard Zak choke on water. And that's when Darryl realized he fucked up " Bad? I have my bluetooth headphones on".

Darryl went wide eyes, he just realized Zak didn't took off his headphones nor Darryl muted his mic.

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