𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞

673 30 53

Idk what to feel about this plot I feel like it's bad but just hoping it's not that horrible. Idk lol I think I just got to my phone and freestyle  while making this chapter.

Zak talking

The day started out nice, waking up to the same old room I have, taking a bath and brushing my teeth then afterwards eating breakfast which was just cereal seriously who thought it's a good idea to start the day with sugar.

Anyways after breakfast I walked to school while listening to music I really feel relieved that our research project is now almost done just need to finish the RRL. I'll probably just send it to Darryl later tonight it's almost done anyways.

End of talk

Zak arrived at school it's still a bit early like 15 minutes before class starts, he entered the first class of the day. He sat down and just used his phone while listening to some music, not long later his seatmate arrived he looked towards him and took out his earphones.

"Oh hey Darryl what's up?" Zak said

Darryl just weakly smile and replied " all good, just finished revising the parts I made as well with the parts you sent a few days ago".

Zak nodded " ok sorry for the mistakes I made, also almost done with the RRL just need to send it later tonight".

" Good also don't freaking troll me again, seriously I was about to punch you at that time" Darryl looked at Zak like his gonna murder the ravenette.

Zak made an innocent face, and looked at Darryl pouting " why? what did I do, I don't remember doing anything bad".

Darryl let out a frustrated sound then reached towards Zak and pulled his hair " That's for trolling me of sending an actual background design instead of a research study, seriously when you sensed I was so mad then you sent the actual research background"

Zak just giggled " ow ow, ok ok sorry I was just so tempted".

Darryl rolled his eyes however Zak noticed something " Darryl why do you have another scratch on your face? I've seen you with a lot of scratches especially on your face"

" Uhm it's my dog, she sleeps on my bed remember, I always tell you this" Darryl replied.

"Ok ok forgot just concerned" Zak said.

"You really love your hoodie huh Darryl even when it's really hot you still wear it" Zak said

Darryl just luaghed " o..of course I do, it's cozy"

" Whatever you say"

They talked for a bit more until the teacher arrived, he was holding the test paper from the test a week ago. The teacher started giving out the test papers to the owners, few already silently cheered while others looked disappointed.

When Darryl received his test paper he started to dig his finger nails on his face with his eyes twitching. Zak noticed the odd behavior and said " Darryl you good?"

Darryl looked like he snapped out of something and replied " yeah just didn't got the score I wanted, anyways what score did you got?".

Zak replied " oh uhm an 80"

Darryl smiled " well that's good, only got a 99 really wanted a 100"

Zak shook his head " oh my gosh Darryl that's a high score, you smarty-pants".

They were shush by the teacher making them stop their conversation, but Darryl muttered something, something that peaked Zak's interest but didn't heard it.

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