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A yawn escaped from Zak's mouth as he covered it with his hand, he stretched his back but not too much before resting it back again against the tree, Darryl's head is currently placed on Zak's thigh as he sleeps.

Zak observed the approaching sun rise, which would shine its bright rays of sunlight into the current dark days of the world. The zombies had over come mankind 2 years ago, Zak isn't for sure if it's just the two of them or are there anymore survivors. They had encountered many people some of which they become friends with, some just passed by however those who came with them have died with some eaten by zombies and some turning into one.

Zak gave out a sigh remembering the friends and companion they've lost. He has a notebook of their names, which when they both open and read tears always gets let out. Some of the names are.

Rocco (my dog),Lucy/Rat (Darryl's dog), Cara, George, Noah, Clay, Nick and Karl. The list goes on for a few more but right now Zak just wants to forget about it, he just started to ran his hand through Darryl's brunette locks smiling as he watches Darryl sleeping on his thigh. The two of them are supposed to exchange sleep, while one would sleeps the other would guard then after a few hours they switch.

But Zak decided for today to let Darryl fully sleep the night as he just guard and intently watch. The two of them met in a ran down convient store a few months ago about 2 years after the zombies taking over.

" I don't know what would I do without you" Zak muttered creasing one of Darryl's cheeks, the brunette stirred a bit and woke up as sun light hit his closed eyes. Darryl sat up and rubbed his eyes looking at the run rise " what the muffin it's morning already?".

Zak nodded, Darryl looked at him disapprovingly as he took a sigh " I told you to wake me up so we could switch to who would guard, now look at you look so tired". Zak only chuckled " it's fine, now let's eat breakfast before going".

Darryl only shook his head, Zak had done this a few times now with Zak ending up sleepy for the most part of the day. For their breakfast Darryl took out some biscuits as Zak took out a jar of peanut butter from his bag, they started spreading peanut butter on the biscuits and started eating.

Although eating it with bread would have been nice, 2 years is a long time for any loaf of bread to last unless you bake new ones. They ate for a short while before clearing their path and beginning their journey; they are unsure of their destination but may go to a supermarket for supplies.

Zak put his gun in his bag while Darryl did the same, making sure to turn it on safety. It's only a pistol, but it's better than nothing. They had a knife in their pocket and were carrying baseball bats as they walked. They're in a forest, so the path is just trees and grass. Outside of the city, it just seems peaceful, mainly because the city's where all the carnage is.

" Sooo where are we gonna go?" Darryl asked, Zak just shrugged.

" I don't really know, probably the city we do need some supplies like food and water. Oooo plus we might get some new clothes" Zak replied

" Well ok, let's just be careful we don't wanna lose each other ya know" Darryl said looking a bit concerned, Zak only chuckled " sure, sure I'm always careful".

Darryl giggled " ok and nice joke".

Zak's mouth gaped " what the fuck was in that peanut butter, you became a bit mean".

Darryl rolled his eyes and sighed " nothing was in that peanut butter, I just only said that caz you aren't really careful you muffin head" Darryl finished giggling. Zak's facial expressions turned annoyed and rolled his eyes from Darryl, he also looks mad so Darryl felt bad.

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