Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Once you had all finished lunch, you felt it strange that no one moved after putting their dishes away. They all seemed to congregate in the living room. You were the last one to leave the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing?" You asked, a little creeped out at this point.

"Mentally preparing myself for ze worst place I have ever been," Spy complained.

"What do you mean? Are we going somewhere?" Spy solemnly nodded.

"Aye," Demo answered verbally. "We have a new place ta show ya for ya battle tomorrow." Your eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid so, our boss did not like that jou took three days to recover. He vants us to go out tomorrow to fight," Medic explained. Shit.

"Um, well, I guess this wouldn't be the most rushed I've ever been." Medic smiled.

"Zhat's zhe spirit! Now, do ve haff everyvone?" Everyone looked around and nodded.

"Looks like it, so where are we going?"

"A place called Two-Fort."

"Why is it the worst place Spy has ever been?"

"Eh, jou'll see." Medic chuckled and started his way to the garage. You followed him and the others to the trucks.

You hopped in with some of the others in the back of the bread truck, and together, you started on your way to a new place. Pyro went with Engie and Sniper in the pickup, so it left everyone else with you.

As you took a seat next to Demo, you noticed Medic gave you an off look from the other side of the truck. It'll be okay...whatever's bothering him.

Demo happily grabbed your shoulder and shook it a little, and you turned your head to find a reassuring smile. You returned the gesture by doing the same thing, laughing slightly. With a fake yawn, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, causing you to laugh more. He joined in with your laughing as the truck started up. You stole a glance at Medic. His arms were crossed and his lips were tight, looking at the ground. He seemed strained, but you didn't want to leave Demo.

"What could 'ou possibly be laughing about?" Spy complained from the driver's seat.

"You can drive?" You half-joked at him. He gasped in a mocking way.

"Can 'ou?" You triumphantly crossed your arms.

"Of course I can. I aced my exam years ago!"

"Zat means nozhing! Here, why don't 'ou drive?"

"What? I don't know where we're going!" Spy smirked.


"Spy, that doesn't mean I can't dr-"

"Get leetle truck moving, or Heavy will drive," Heavy plainly stated.

"Fine," Spy seemed to groan, annoyed. Maybe he was just having fun messing with me.

Both vehicles pulled out of the garage simultaneously and started heading towards wherever Two-Fort was. As Spy drove, admittedly more smoothly than Heavy does, you decided to ask a few questions.

"May I ask what Two-Fort even is?" You started your query.

"Uh, well, it's a different type of battle. Dat's for sure," Scout started.

"Aye, it most certainly is," Demo butt in, peering over at you with his eye. "'Course, fighting for a briefcase three times in a row never seemed that special."

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