Chapter Seventy-One

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You groaned with contempt for the sly bastard as he followed you out of the Medbay.

"Aw don't be such a baby," Medic cooed in a mocking tone. "I thought jou said it vas just a burn."

"I thought you said you didn't like to see me hurt," you flung back at him. There was a small moment of silence. Oh shit. Did that hurt his feelings? You turned back to look at him, only to realize he had stopped walking. "Uh, Medic?" He seemed lost in thought. You headed back towards him and gently placed a hand on his forearm to get his attention. He blinked and his eyes snapped to you.

"Vhat? Oh...," He cleared his throat. "May I haff mein arm back so ve can go to dinner?" You snatched your hand away.

"Right, sorry." It doesn't matter how close I am with them, I need to respect their boundaries you idiot. Medic seemed confused, but you changed the subject as you started walking. "So what do you think is for dinner?"

"Ah, I don't know," Medic looked away, smirking. You gasped.

"You do know! You have to tell me!" You had to stop yourself from lightly punching his arm.

"No, no I don't think I vill. I vas told to keep it a secret."

"Come on." You dragged your words out. "Let me get a one up on Spy!"

"I think you and I both know jou get a 'vone up' on zhe Spy often. You do not need zhis."

"You just like to mess with me, Medic." Medic chuckled.

"Ja, may-"

"Aye! Lass, are ya comin' ta dinner or not?" Demo laughed as he scooped your arm in his, and with a quick glare at Medic, guided you to the kitchen. "Aren't ya glad I saved ya from that piece of work?" Demo beamed at you, seeming proud of himself. You slowed down quite a bit, causing Demo to stop, a concerned and confused expression on his face.

"In all honesty, I don't quite get why you two don't like each other. Maybe I did, but now I don't," you found yourself admitting in the living room.

"Lass, that man is not who ya think he is. I know him better than ya-" Do you? "-and I know how he's treated ya. Plain and simple: I don't like him." He gently shook you with a hand over yours. "I care about ya lass, and to see that bastard of a man hurt ya, or use ya, it riles me up honestly."

"...Okay. I understand now, Demo." You could hear footsteps behind you. Not wanting to turn around, you let him lead you to the kitchen.

You were welcomed by the amazing smell of... burnt tomatoes? What? You took another deep breath. No, they were just well cooked. Yeah, let's go with that. Spy was passing around what looked like stuffed tomatoes, and all you could do was hope it was good.

You sat down in your place in between Sniper and Engie. It was nice.

"Surprised?" Spy smirked as he placed your plate in front of you.

"I would suppose I am," you shrugged, causing Spy to frown. Clearly, he was hoping for more praise. "But it does look really good." You added, watching the corners of his mouth turn up a little. "What is it called?"

"Tomates Farcies, or Stuffed Tomatoes."

"I'm sure I'll love it."

"I know 'ou will. I made it." Spy smirked.

"Don't get too cocky, Mister Spy." You laughed, just now noticing the eyes on the two of you. "Anyway, we should eat."

Seemingly slightly disappointed, Spy stepped to the end of the table for his seat. Everyone silently dug in, muttering small bits of praise to Spy, which he happily took.

It didn't take long for everyone to finish eating, but when you entered the kitchen to put your dish away, someone stopped you.

"So Strats...," Scout stood over you as you were crouched by the dishwasher.

"Yeah?" You asked, feeling a little concerned at him trailing off.

"How about you and I play some video games? I've, uh," Scout muttered something, looking away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last part."

"I've just, uh, missed it, y'know?" Scout laughed brashly as if to cover up what he said.

"What iz with all ze noise?" Spy sauntered in.

"Nothin' for you ta know." Scout said casually.

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope 'ou do not mind if I steal ze Strategist for a moment. I 'ave to discuss somezing with her."

"Actually!..." Scout held his finger up before trailing off, probably realizing he'd have to admit it. "I do not mind."

"But Scout, I thought you said-" You started.

"Up bup bup bup! Dat stays between us, Strats. Now if you'll excuse me," Scout walked triumphantly out of the kitchen, but you could see in his face that he was disappointed.

"So..." You gently took Spy's plate from him. "What did you need to steal me for?" Spy cleared his throat.

"I thought 'ou might consider planning ze battle with me again, seeing as 'ou need my help." He seemed to add the last part in an effort to cover his ego, to which you giggled slightly at.

"Well, I don't know if I need your help, but I would love to, Spy." Spy smirked and started out of the kitchen. "I'll meet you in your study once I finish my talk with Medic." He stopped.

"How long will zat take?" You shrugged.

"I don't know, ten, twenty minutes tops?"

"Why do 'ou need to speak with ze doctor?"

"He didn't exactly patch me up," Spy eyed your hand, "He said there was something we had to talk about." You didn't want to give the details away to the most elusive and secret-hungry man in the base, but he seemed more occupied with something else.

"He did not heal you?" Spy glared at your hand, making you feel slightly uncomfortable. You had to defend Medic somehow.

"It was a trick really, to make sure we talked-"

"So he tricked you by not doing his job?"

"No, that's not-"

"I will wait for 'ou in my studies. Please, do not give ze man any more time than he deserves."

With that, he exited the kitchen and you made your way over to Medic, but he was already leaving the living room. That's fine. You went to go catch up with him, but he disappeared into the Medbay.

"Medic?" You gently opened the door.

"Ja?" Medic called to you.

"Are you ready to have that talk?" You heard the Medigun turn on, and your hand was healed.

"Actually, Strategist, I vould like to haff zhis evening alone." You raised an eyebrow. Medic was looking away from you. You couldn't read his expression.

"Are you sure? You seemed very set on it earlier..."

"Yes. I am sure. Thank you for checking up on me." You saw a slight smile. He's definitely hiding something, but I can't force him to talk... I guess I'll go to Spy.

"Okay, well, I'll be in Spy's room going over plans." You could've sworn you saw him frown. "Just barge in if you need me."

"Ja, sounds gut."

You closed the Medbay door and made your way to Spy's room. You knocked twice and the door immediately opened, your hand still raised.

"Ah, Strategist. I take it 'our talk went well?" Spy looked down at you. You awkwardly lowered your hand.

"Sure, let's go with that. Are you ready to start planning?" You took out your tablet.

"But of course," Spy stepped aside to let you in.

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