Chapter Three

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Thank God I could see them. You jogged up to your group, who happened to be nearby down the street. They seemed to have stopped in a lawn of some kind, which was huge. There was a bunch of activity stuff laying around, like dodgeballs and marked off areas.

"-just a place ta hang out, really," a thin, younger man that looked your age finished explaining. He boasted a Boston accent and was spinning a soccer ball around on his finger. "Oh! You can call me Scout, by da way. It's my team nickname."

"And you can call me SOLDIER!" You winced at the volume of another man's voice. Scout chuckled nervously.

"It's his nickname. He's a part of the-"

"CTOR!" The group laughed and Scout joined in with an edge to it, jabbing Soldier in the side.

"He means the ROTC. Dey offer military trainin' and stuff, but you'll get ta that later." Scout tossed the ball to Soldier, who fumbled trying to catch it. This seemed to cause murmuring in your group. You could have sworn someone questioned if his medals were even real, but honestly, how would you even know? If this guy's running the ROTC, I'll be happy never learning anything about the military.

"There is time to KILL! SO READY YOURSELVES!" Soldier picked up a dodgeball, causing the people in front of him to step back.

"Woah-ho-ho!" Scout tugged on the ball before yanking it from Soldier. "He's right dat we got time, so feel free to hang out for a bit!"

You turned away as you saw Scout yank Soldier's head down and started talking to him. You hadn't even noticed Soldier had a helmet covering his eyes. It just kind of suited him, I guess. Without any friends to play a sport with you, you headed to a small area by yourself. I haven't worked out in a few days, but is it worth it to get sweaty?

You opted to grab the random weights laying in the grass, assuming they could've been from the campus gym. They weren't as heavy as you usually go, so hopefully you wouldn't get too gross. You started with arm curls. How long do we even have? You heard a low whistle before snapping your head to the source, ready to tell someone off for catcalling.

"Twenty-five pounds? Dat's impressive, toots," Scout complimented you, but you frowned slightly.

"Thanks... I guess. Don't call me that," you told him, not controlling the memories of creeps at the gym in the past. Scout held his hands to his chest as if to show himself backing off.

"My bad. It's a thing where I'm from. What's your name?" ...It's not like I'll be seeing him after this.

"It's (Y/n)." A look of recognition flashed across Scout's face before he shook his head.

"It's-uh, nice ta meet ya!" He seemed so nervous that you raised an eyebrow at him. He was taller than you, but if you really tried, you could probably take him. He's thin.

"Scout!" Soldier shouted. I couldn't take him one-on-one. He seems crazy enough to be careful around. The helmet-wearing guy stomped up to Scout, and he was also taller than you... and Scout. He's more wide-set. I'd be fucked trying to wrestle him.

You hadn't noticed that they were talking to each other as you finished your set. It was nice to move a bit more after being in the car for so long. You gently placed the weights back down.

"So," Scout's voice perked your ears and you turned to look up at him. "You workout often?" What kind of shitty pickup line is this?

"Uh yeah. I wrestled in high school," you answered shortly, hoping offering a small detail would satisfy him.

"I didn't know dey had girls' teams" Really?

"Other high schools do, but mine didn't." You were admittedly getting annoyed with this guy. Thankfully he sensed it and started to look nervous, but he still opened his mouth.

"Cool! Uh, any personal records? Weightliftin' stuff, I mean." You fought the urge to sigh, but it was overcome by the urge to brag.

"Yeah. I can leg press seven hundred and sixty pounds pretty safely."

You internally relished the look of awe that dawned on Scout's face. Yeah, I do, pipsqueak.

"You'd make a fine mercenary!" Soldier boasted, which ruined the moment. Scout jabbed him. That's... not what the military does? Am I wrong in that? I guess they could technically count that way, because they're paid? Weird.

"...Sure," you took the compliment, but thankfully saw your group leader call everyone to continue. "Oh, looks like I get to go."

"Yeah, guess you have to," Scout seemed disappointed. Sad for you.

"Cool... see you later." You walked away, fully intending to not talk to either of the two again.

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