Chapter One Hundred and Five

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You expected to get caught by Miss Pauling eventually in the next couple of months, and you did. In a funny turn of events, that you predicted, she said it would give her less stress if we kept up the plan (less stuff to report or something). Still, she didn't want to hear anything else about it for the risk of exposing you.

The plan itself, well, it worked out better than you originally imagined. BLU Strategist became like a sister to you, which if you ignored the part where she just kind of is you, it's been really sweet! Every so often, she sneaks over to your base so you can play games with Scout. It took him a minute to get used to it, but he loved to gloat if he managed to beat "both of da best strategists in all of gaming history." You also saw a change in him. He appeared more confident in himself, and not like the super-ego thing he had before. He seemed to like himself.

Like, one time, Medic and Engie swore this piece of bread had tumors. It did originally scare the shit out of you to think you only had three days left to live, but you got to see Spy act as a dad. He taught Scout how to "woo" Miss Pauling. You didn't want to stay and watch per-say, but Scout told you everything about it.

Although you missed it, because you wanted to spend some remaining time you had with the BLU Team, the bread mutated. Something about Soldier teleporting the shit out of it and it grew more tumors? You didn't really understand, but you felt so relieved to see it defeated with Scout and Pauling's creativity. Coming back to the corpse, however, was weird. You never knew sci-fi could be... not fiction. If anyone could have made it happen, even on accident, it would have been the two science nerds. Scout actually asked Miss Pauling out, and you hope she understood it as a date. You didn't hear anything about it after.

Your relationship with Medic slowly improved over time. You stuck to your guns, even when you wanted to just give in and relish the friendship like you used to. Thankfully, he respected you enough to do the same thing. You understand that he's really bad about "caring for people," as he put it, but he's made a lot of progress. He even started drinking and laughing with your teammates during parties you all threw for each other. You don't think he ever really got over his jealousy with the BLU Medic, but he's been convinced that you care about him for a long time. As he should be, really. You just watched another horror movie together, after all.

This man named Saxton Hale, who apparently owned the company manufacturing the weapons you all used, gave your teams a separate contract to temporarily entertain a "Mercenary Park." It was fun, kind of, but you didn't really enjoy getting plant gunk on you every day. Thankfully, your contracts were finished pretty quickly. That was maybe a year ago now?

During some of the cease-fire days, you'll head into town with a mix of your friends. If both the Snipers wanted to go, it was easy to convince people that they were just twins. Speaking of, a couple of weeks ago, you had a marksman competition with those two, and BLU Strategist was on your team. Not to brag or anything, but you ended up tying because you and your Sniper were too good... and evenly matched, surprisingly.

The Spies seemed to enjoy gossiping together over wine, but of course they insist to you that they're just discussing the state of your plan. Your Spy, after the bread incident, has been slowly spending more time around Scout. Not spending time with him, but if you both played a game together, Spy would sit in a chair nearby with a newspaper. Scout hasn't really noticed, as far as you can tell, but Spy caught you smiling at him one time as he watched and glared at you to look away. It took a lot out of you not to laugh.

Heavy has been your workout buddy recently. BLU Heavy comes by every now and again, but he seems to prefer working out on his own or inviting BLU Strategist with him. She likes to tell you about her progress, and you both have a bet to see who can shoulder press one hundred pounds first. Heavy still finds it funny to have you sit on his back while he performs push-ups. He says you're the best motivator. Sometimes, Soldier will drop in and give the Russian a bit of a headache, but you have fun nonetheless.

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