Chapter Seventy-Seven

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You were laying in your bed the next morning, the dress safely tucked underneath your bed in its box. You were very aware of its presence, but you hoped that with time, you would be comfortable enough to wear it again. You hated how another person changed your opinion of it, but you didn't want to force it.

With a deep breath, you rolled out of your bed and made your way to your bathroom. You'd probably have a battle tomorrow, and you'd probably plan it out with Spy. Either way, you had to get ready for the day.

After showering and getting your uniform on, you yawned as you checked your college prep program. Your dad ended your subscription. I guess I should have expected that, but now what? I know I could get into an online college like Miss Pauling mentioned, but do I have time for that? If I was genuinely in school right now, I'd be failing from how behind I'd be. Is college even something I want...?

You groaned and shut your computer. This is not what I wanted to do today. What did I want to do today? Starting to get frustrated at your lack of planning, you stood up and headed out of your room. You heard noises in the kitchen, so you made your way down the hall, silently hoping it was either Engie or Spy cooking. Hell, you'd even let Scout cook again just for the entertainment.

Unfortunately, as you peaked your head through the door, you found Medic messing with some pans. It seemed he was making waffles. You were unknowingly holding your breath, hoping to leave unnoticed, but he turned and saw you.

You both seemed to stare at each other without thinking, well, that's what it seemed like. In reality, your thoughts were racing so fast you had no idea how to even think them through. Thankfully, you thought, he turned around and didn't acknowledge you. That felt wrong. You had to at least say some formalities.

"Good morning, Medic," your voice sounded unnaturally soft. You watched as his eyes flashed to you and then back to the pan.

"Good morning, Strategist," he said nonchalantly. This didn't feel right. He wasn't... himself.

"How are the waffles coming?" You found the confidence to step fully into the kitchen. He shrugged ever so slightly, and hummed in response.

"I believe zhey're good. Just a few more moments, alright?" He still didn't look at you. Was this the time to bring it up? It couldn't be, right?

"Okay, sounds good to me..." you trailed off and left the kitchen. On your way out, you spotted Sniper making his way down the hall. He tipped his hat to you, causing you to smile.

"Mornin' Sheila, how did ya sleep?" He asked you. You shrugged.

"I slept alright... slightly stressed, but I'll be fine." You shifted slightly as you stood. He nodded in understanding.

"What that mongrel said... it's sad ta see ya get so upset by that idiot. Hell, knocking his teeth out seemed loike a good idea ta me. That's why I left." The flashback of the BLU Scout's comments towards you replayed in your memory.

"I'm glad you didn't. Wouldn't want to lose our lead." You joked, but it felt disgusting. Sniper shook his head.

"I regret not doin' it."

"Oh..." You held your arms.

"Ya realize how protective everyone's gotten of ya? I've never been so roiled up in me life!" Sniper awkwardly laughed, and guilt creeped its way up your spine.

"Part of me wishes you all wouldn't be...." Your voice was barely above a whisper. Sniper frowned.

"Why do ya say that?"

"Just the fact that we all almost got in major trouble because we all let what some idiot said get to our heads. I'm supposed to be level-headed and calm, but seeing you all so angry only really made me more upset... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be dumping this on you." You looked away, still rocking back and forth on your feet.

"Nevah feel bad for sayin' how ya feel, but I can't lie and say that didn't hurt. We were only tryin' to protect ya." Your eyes flicked back to him, and you sighed slightly.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that... it wasn't the best way to protect me, if that makes any sense." Sniper nodded slowly.

"Alroight, I understand, but still. What we did was betta than startin' a brawl." You laughed slightly at the thought.

"Part of me wanted to see that, but it would've been a horrible idea." Sniper joined you.

"Yeah, it would've been. How about you and me get some grub, yeah?" He elbowed you slightly. "We got a big day ahead of us."

"What do you mean?"

"We have a whole new place for ya to explore!" He did a small twirl with his arms stretched out. You had to laugh at that.

"Sounds like fun to me... I suppose." Sniper stopped and thought for a moment.

"Yeah, our last two tours weren't the best. That's why I'm the tour guide this time! I've decided it." You snickered. "Whot?"

"I think you'd make a great tour guide, that's all." He eyed you suspiciously.

"Sure, sure... let's get some food then, hm?" He held his elbow out for you, and you took it, heading into the kitchen laughing.

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