Chapter Seventy-Six

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You woke up with a slight headache. Thankfully, it faded the more you got ready for the day. You slipped the dress on over your underclothes and did a little twirl. It was still as perfect yesterday. Well, you certainly hoped it would be. It would be weird if it changed, wouldn't it?

You laughed slightly and figured now would be the time to be as fancy as possible, as you would say. You placed your hair in the most elegant style you could, one that would really match the dress. With a smile, you decided today would be the day you'd wear a little bit of makeup. Not much, mainly just a red lip to match the dress. You laugh at how you hadn't worn any since before school ended.

You took a good look at yourself in the mirror, grateful for how much you've changed, and in awe of how nice you looked. This was amazing. You were amazing.

After a few more finishing touches, such as your gloves and boots, you slowly stepped out of your room. This was it. You let out a sigh and couldn't help but smile.

You walked down the hall to the living room and stopped in the entryway. You watched as your team slowly turned to look at you with awe on their face.

"Good morning," you laughed slightly at them. Hell, Demo's jaw had dropped. You watched as Scout smugly popped his mouth back into place and Demo glared at him, rubbing his jaw.

They were all wearing some kind of formal attire. Heavy had a white button down and red vest, Spy was in his usual suit, Scout had a nice button down on (and looked like he hated it), and Pyro... wore a tie. You appreciate his effort. Engie wore a red suit that looked like it had to be dusted off, Soldier also had a nice button down on (and also looked like he despised it), and Demo also wore a red suit in pristine condition. Sniper had a button down with brown suspenders on, and Medic... you stopped and looked away. He was just wearing his normal uniform with nicer pants, shoes, and his red vest.

The others muttered out their good mornings, and you couldn't help but laugh a little more. Speechless, are we?

Inside the truck, you munched on a protein bar. Just like my mom used to. Demo insisted you sat next to him, and so did Scout, so now you were squished in between them. You did your best not to make eye contact with Medic, but it was hard. You hated to admit it, but your teammates have become your best friends. Medic was included in that sentiment. It hurt to feel so... you didn't know how to put it. Something just disturbed you in a way you didn't know how to explain.

It took all day to get to the estate the Mann brothers wanted your team to head to, to which Scout happily filled your ear talking about random..., well, shit really. He was going on about how cool he was in past battles, and the others scoffed and laughed at him. Eventually led to an argument.

"I promise dat's what happened!" Scout exclaimed. Demo laughed at him.

"Oh really? I rememba that ya squealed like a little girl when that Pyro chased ya," Demo mimicked the scream that came out of Scout, causing the truck to erupt in laughter.

"Dere's no way! I'm too cool for dat," Scout crossed his arms and pouted.

"Well, I guess this means you can show off more in the next battles like you got to in the last one," you shrugged and let your feet sway slightly. Scout pointed at you with pride, shoving your words in their faces. It made you laugh slightly to watch him try to prove a point by looking the mercenaries in their eyes with a goofy expression.

Your team continued to talk about whatever came to mind. Demo was proud of his new tricycle, Scout was gloating still, and the others just seemed to listen. At some point the topic of what the Mann Brothers wanted came up.

"Do you think they're upset with me?" You asked quietly, the dress lightly grazing your shins as your legs continued to rock back and forth like your thoughts.

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