Chapter Ninety-One

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While Scout was relaying to you in what you could only assume was over dramatic detail about the... intimidation he took part of, you couldn't ignore the doctor's gaze. It didn't feel like it was slicing or burning into you. It felt more like a blunt pressure, like if someone grabbed your arm too hard and dug their fingers in. Unfortunately, you also knew what that felt like.

You knew you shouldn't have admitted to anyone but yourself that your opinion of the BLU team had changed. Would I have come to feel this way if I didn't talk to the BLU Engineer after that battle? It seeped into you that particular battle marked the beginning of another... complication with Medic.

This feels like a shitty cycle. I really need it to stop, but how many times can I talk about it over and over and over again? Are my feelings meaningless now? What did I do wrong? I was really hoping things were finally okay....

You took a deep breath before slowly turning back into whatever Scout was babbling on about... albeit you never really minded him just rambling.

"-and dey just sat dere! None of them knew who started da fight! If ya ask me, I think dey just ran out of comebacks, because no one could beat me," Scout complimented himself and laughed.

"So they just didn't know who threw the first insult? How?" You asked, mildly intrigued.

"Dat's what dey said, but none of 'em would own up to it. I'm just glad the pipsqueak didn't have nothin' to say."

"Do you mean the BLU Scout?" Scout nodded.

"Of course! The spineless jerk hid behind his whole team the entire time! Come to think of it, I nevah saw 'im." Can't imagine why.

"Well, I suppose I'm glad you outsmarted them... I guess." You didn't want to inform him that BLU Scout was actually, unfortunately, with you.

"Well, yeah! I had to! Dey can't just insult you and get away with it! Especially if I heard it." Scout pointed to himself with his thumb and seemed to bask in his heroic...ness.

"Then I'm glad you were there." Scout punched you lightly with his hand and then started messing with Soldier. You'll never know how he manages to survive it every time.

Did the BLU Scout start the fight as a distraction? Can't admit I thought he'd be smart enough to do something like that. How did the Medics find out then? Were they not a part of the argument?


Eventually, the truck rolled to a stop in the garage at your base. You were thankful to finally be back to some form of comfort and allowed Scout to help you off of the back of it. You had a very prominent urge to turn back to look at Medic, but it wasn't like you could figure this all out in one car ride.

Thanking Scout, you made yourself look as casual as you could to head back to your room. After all, you had a lot of thinking to do..., and you didn't want to explain any of it to anyone. You didn't notice anyone trying to follow you, but you weren't exactly looking, either.

Shutting your door behind you, a large pool of air escaped your lungs in a long sigh. You felt like a balloon finally releasing all of the air that kept it blown up... perhaps with stress. You didn't know (or you didn't want to admit it) but you weren't feeling... how you wished you would. You opted to sit at your desk chair and lean back into it, using your foot to lightly swivel you back and forth on the seat.

Was I hoping everything was okay in the same way Engie was blind to our problems? Am I blind to what's upsetting Medic? Obviously I have to be, but to say I'm blind implies that I choose to ignore it. ...Does it?

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