Final Stand, First Surrender

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Etho was woken up by someone bursting into his room. A large bang followed him, pounding on the door. He sat up quickly, looking at Beef and Hypno, backs against the door. XB ran over to him.

"What's going on?" Etho asked, jumping out of bed.

"Get your armor on; we're under attack!" XB said, holding his sword at the ready. Etho grabbed his armor off of the stand, grabbing his sword. Hypno and Beef were thrown forward as two figures rammed the door down. They both wore netherite fully enchanted.

"Dang it," Etho said, readying his sword to fight.

"I know, I didn't expect I'd see you again either," The attacker with blue hair said, "You traitor."

"Mods are dangerous, Dan," Etho said, "You should've surrendered when you had the chance."

Dan pulled out a bow that shines brilliantly, blues and yellows sparkling with modded enchantments. "Moon said not to kill you unless you give us a good reason to."

"Look, we were just following orders!" Beef said, "Who is Moon?"

The other man shoved Dan, glaring. Dan breathed:

"We owe you no information. Come peacefully or don't. Your choice."

Hypno clenched his hands around his sword. He jumped forward, knocking the modded bow out of Dan's hand.

"Don't be so stupid!" Hypno yelled, striking Dan's helmet. The other man swung forward, clashing his sword with Hypno's blade. Beef jumped forward, striking Dan again. Etho grabbed Beef's arm, shooting him a look. Beef held his breath, a slight nod. They turned their attention to the other man, out numbering him. XB kicked the modded bow far out of the reach of Dan, kicking it into his hands. He aimed it at the man and shot, pushed back by the power.

The arrow flew past Etho's head and hit the helmet, knocking it clean off. The hermits stepped back, looking with utter shock.

Grian looked at them, hair sticking to his face with sweat. His teeth clenched and he swung his sword pushing Beef back. He stuck against Hypno's sword, suddenly much stronger and faster.

"Grian?" Etho yelled. Grian looked up at them.

"You're wrong," Grian screamed. "Grian is an idiot !"

The hermits stepped back, a realization dawning on them.

"Replicant..." XB breathed. Replicant raised his sword again, a twisted smile spreading on his face. He laughed, eye's softening.

"Good job, dummies," He swung his sword again, clashing with the three swords. "It's only going to be a few more minutes before backup comes," Replicant breathed, "So we'll ask again: Peaceful or not?"


Xisuma lifted Keralis up, carrying him bridal style, full in his armor. He pushed out of the room and opened his wings, ones he normally kept hidden. Keralis' house was small, but it was large enough that it took a second to get out of the door. He almost lifted off the ground when he heard a click. He sucked in his breath and stood still. He never wielded mods, but he had been around long enough to know they were dangerous. And that click sounded like a modded weapon.

"Just set him down," A familiar voice said. Xisuma gulped, doing so carefully. "Hands up." He lifted his hands above his hands, and he bit his lip. "Now fly away."


"Fly away." The woman's voice was strangely calm. She sounded completely fine . "Leave Hermitcraft and no one will get hurt."

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