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Eddie sat in the living room, his leg bouncing up and down sporadically as you looked at him

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Eddie sat in the living room, his leg bouncing up and down sporadically as you looked at him. He wouldn't speak or say anything to you, he just sat there staring into space. You grabbed a glass, pouring cold water into it. You slowly approached Eddie, standing before him, "Eddie?" You spoke softly. You were clueless as to what happened. You have never seen him like this. What could cause him to act like this?

"Eddie, I have a glass of water for you." You swallowed thickly, afraid to touch him. He continued to bounce his leg up and down, not paying any attention to you. "I'm gonna put it here, okay?" You gently place the glass on the coffee table, glancing at him. You had no idea what to do in this situation. Do you call Robin? Do you call your parents? You dried your hands on the fabric of your pants.

You slowly sat down next to him, grabbing the remote beside you, turning on the television. "Do you wanna watch a movie to help you calm down or something?" You rested your head in your hands, snuggling up on the couch. You stared at him, waiting for an answer, but nothing came out of his mouth. Not a single peep. "Listen we don't have to do anything or say anything. But, I need you to let me know if you're okay." You placed your hand on his shoulder, the rough fabric of his jean vest touching your skin.

"Can I stay here tonight?" He looked at you, he was on edge. You removed your hand from his shoulder, nodding your head. You were relieved to hear words come from his mouth after about forty-five minutes of complete silence from him. It was unlike for Eddie not to talk. He reached over to the glass, his hand shaking as he picked it up, drinking slowly. Removing your gaze from him, you continued clicking away at the tv, flipping through channels. "You can sleep on the couch."

Eddie looked at you, noticing you weren't looking at him, though you could feel him staring at you. "Is that fine?" You asked, slowly turning your head to look back at him. "Uh, yeah, yeah." He nodded, tearing his eyes away from you. "Here," you handed him the remote. "You can watch whatever you'd like," you stood up from the couch, "but I am going back to bed. If you need me, I'll be upstairs." The hardwood creaked under your feet as you walked away. You were still extremely curious about what happened, but you weren't going to pester him about it. He clearly was too uncomfortable to talk about. But whatever it was, it shook him up pretty bad.

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃𝐒 ᝰ 𝑬𝑫𝑫𝑰𝑬 𝑴𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now