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"Wait did you get the chips he wanted?" Dustin glanced up at you while looking through the bag full of snacks you guys had gotten for Eddie

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"Wait did you get the chips he wanted?" Dustin glanced up at you while looking through the bag full of snacks you guys had gotten for Eddie. "Yeah, they should be in there!" You snatch the bag from him, digging through the bag. "Don't make a mess in my car please!" Steve looked at you through the rearview mirror. "No one's gonna make a mess." You spoke, pushing past the variety of candy. "Yeah, Steve," Dustin looked at him, "we're not five." Dustin said with a scowl.

"You sure do act five." Steve mumbled. "I found them!" You threw the bag of chips at Dustin causing him o fumble with the bag as he tried to catch it. Steve slowed down the car, taking the key out of the ignition as you stopped in front of Reefer Rick's house. "Let's go." Steve stepped out of the car. You grabbed two bags full of snacks, Dustin and Max grabbing one each. You shut the car door behind you as you followed Steve down the small hill to the boathouse.

"It's kinda quiet. Do you think the cops found him?" Robin quietly asked, looking at you. "He's probably still hiding under that stupid tarp." You chuckle. "Oh yeah, the tarp Steve was so afraid of." Dustin smiled, holding back his laugh. "Listen, something dangerous could've been in there." Steve stuck true to his word, pushing open the door to the boathouse. "Woah!" Steve placed his hands up in defense as you all entered the boathouse.

Eddie was tucked into a corner, holding the broken bottle out. Everyone gave him a small wave. "It's just us." You reassured him. "Jesus," he sighed, "you can't just barge in like that." He slowly let down the bottle. You walked over to him first, handing him his back of snacks and candy. Max and Dustin did the same, stepping back from him. "I'm starving." He grabbed a bag of chips, ripped it open, and immediately stuffed his face. "If you were that hungry we could have gotten you some real food to eat."

Eddie shook his head, repositioning himself near the edge of the boat, sitting on it, "I'll eat whatever at this point." He chewed loudly, stuffing more food into his face. "So, junk food was your first choice? Nothing from a diner or a pizza house?" You shrug, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. "Listen, there are more important things going on right now." Dustin interrupted the two of you. You rolled your eyes, tip-toeing your way back over to where Robin was standing. Dustin grabbed a free stool, pulling it under him as he sat down. Eddie watched him as he continued to stuff his face full of sugar and salt.

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃𝐒 ᝰ 𝑬𝑫𝑫𝑰𝑬 𝑴𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now