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All of you sat in silence, the van shaking as it went over bumps and divots in the road

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All of you sat in silence, the van shaking as it went over bumps and divots in the road. You blinked, gripping onto the make-shift spear tightly. Your heart pounded inside of your chest faster than you could count. The protective gear you had on from War Zone was more than suffocating. All of the happy moments had to be pushed aside now. It was time for a full on war. You knew your chances, the high risk of dying, whether it be by some creature in the upside down or Vecna himself. You kept telling yourself and everyone you were ready, but what came out of your mouth was much more different than what you felt on the inside.

Your mouth felt dry and your hands were sweaty. And you couldn't stop bouncing your leg up and down as Steve got closer and closer to Victor Creels house. Clenching your teeth, you looked over at Eddie. His eyes were blank as he stared into nothingness. He must be thinking just like you. Everyone looked scared. Though, they tried their best to hide it. And you were mostly worried about Max. The whole plan was insane. To have her distract Vecna so you can get away freely didn't sound ideal to you. But, there was no going back now. All you had to do was put your trust into the others.

Eddie slowly looked at you, his bandana tied around his head. Looking back at him, he gave you a nod, almost as if he was asking you if you were okay. Truthfully, you weren't. All of you were playing with life or death at the moment. You gave him a small smile, trying your best to show courage. Your hand slipped into Eddie's intertwining your fingers with his. He squeezed your hand lightly. Looking away from him, your smile immediately dropped. The van slowly came to a stop in front of the Creel house. Max, Lucas and Erica all looked at each other, intensity in the air. They stood to their feet, grabbing the supplies they needed.

Staring at them, you couldn't just let them walk away. "Hey, guys." You spoke quietly, standing from your seat. The three of them turned to look at you as you carefully set your spear down. "Please be careful." You sighed, walking up to them, your eyes landing on Max. She gave you a small nod, indicating she knew you were talking about her specifically. "Lucas, Erica,-"

Erica interrupted you as she hugged onto you. You smiled at the rare sight of her affection, hugging her back. "We'll stop him." She spoke, looking at you. "I won't let anything happen to the either of them." Lucas chimed in, speaking with sincerity. "Max." You looked at her. Her eyes caught yours. "Whenever you need to get out of there...Get out of there. Don't think about me. Save yourself first. You hear me?" You raised your brows. "I hear you." Max spoke softly. You exhaled, staring at her with concern before pulling her in for a hug, wrapping your arms around her. Max leaned into the hug, wrapping her arms around you. "I can do this." She whispered. You smiled at her confidence, "okay...let's not waste anymore time."

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃𝐒 ᝰ 𝑬𝑫𝑫𝑰𝑬 𝑴𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now