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"Bro your mom isfine as fuck

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"Bro your mom is
fine as fuck."

Thursday, 4:16pm

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Thursday, 4:16pm.

"WHO are you?" The lady with purple hair looked confused as she was not expecting any visitors today.

"Uhh ... I'm Y/n I go to Scaramouche's school I'm a close friend of his," you smiled answering her question.

"oh you're the girl who he keeps rambling on about in his sleep," she basically just outted him. "he does?" you laughed not believing that the Scaramouche would do that.

"Yes he does you are very pretty I'm sure you can find someone better than him," she complimented. You felt a little flustered from the compliment as she was too beautiful herself.

"Thank you if you don't mind me asking who are you?" You coughed crossing your fingers behind your back hoping she wasn't really his girlfriend.

She was about to answer your question when her eyes spotted the plastic bag you were holding that held a lot of snacks, "ah please come inside I'll answer of course but that bag looks heavy," she offered stepping aside letting you in.

"Oh, thank you," you stepped in not believing you were actually in his house. You took off your shoes and followed the lady into the living room where you sat beside her on the couch.

"I am Ei, I'm Scaramouche's mother," she finally revealed making you sigh in relief. You were still suprised as on how young she looked to be a mother.

You two were talking some more when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs, you turned to look and saw Scaramouche standing there stunned.

He had messy hair, gray sweatpants, and a lose white shirt. He looked so much more attractive in different clothes rather than his school uniform and seeing him without his hat was weird but he looks fine as hell either way.

"Y/n ... why are you here?" He questioned with a harsh tone that hit you as always. "Erm, I wanted to visit you and thank you for defending me yesterday. It is my fault you got suspended," you replied.

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