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TW: arguing w/ parents, physical

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TW: arguing w/ parents, physical

hit from family, and yelling.

"Break up with him."

THE walk was silent on the way home, not sure if it was an awkward one for Scaramouche but for you it was comforting

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THE walk was silent on the way home, not sure if it was an awkward one for Scaramouche but for you it was comforting.

Walking down the sidewalk in the afternoon was nice, you were just humming watching the cars pass by when you had an idea.

You looked to the direction of Scaramouche and then looked down at his hands, your left hand moved closer to his eventually locking fingers together with his.

Expecting some sort of reaction or lash out at you like throwing your hand away and being suprised but instead he looked at you for a second before giving you a lighthearted smile.


"Oh god that caught me off guard ... Scar-scar you're scary," you muffled the first part.

"How so?" He gave you a smugged look clearly amused by your reactions, he was acting so different and you were not doing so well adjusting to it.

"Fuck you," you insulted turning to the other side not wanting to look at him any further. He began to laugh which started creeping you out even more.

He had two laughs, a sadist laugh and a normal laugh. Which one occured most? The sadist laugh and right now you were hearing it.

"Oh, we're already here," you were turning the corner still with your hands locked together.

Until your eyes grew stopping in place, Scaramouche didn't realize you stopped until he was pulled back and turned around to see you standing there.

"What's wrong?" He gave you a concerned look. He looked back at your house trying to spot something odd when he spotted a car that wasn't there before parked beside your brother's car.

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