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Monday, 10:23am

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Monday, 10:23am.

(If your bithday
isn't on a monday
just pretend it is 😭)

"SCARAMOUCHE why don't you distract
y/n?" Keqing suggested as everyone forced themselves to wake up early and prepare a suprise.

"Depends if she wakes up before we finish but she'll probably be sleeping in until we end so we're fine," scaramouche assured going back to what he was doing.

"i'm gonna go get gifts," scaramouche informed grabbing his car keys. "ooh let me come!" hu tao excitingly walked up to him wanting to pick out a gift for you too.

"what? I wanna go too then," itto joined in and eventually everyone else joined in wanting to buy you a gift as well.

scaramouche looked at them in disbelief before sighing heavily, "we'll take turns going to the store and preparing," ningguang smiled cutting in.

"scaramouche, hu tao, itto, and xiao you guys go first"

Everyone followed what Ningguang said she wasn't a controlling person at all. She didn't have that type of aura to pressure you into doing what she says.

She attracts you herself and then overtime you just can't help but following her orders. No complaints at all after all her orders were always so organized and reasonable.

"why itto?"


At the store pov.

"I'll be over here! I'm gonna go get her favorite cake," hu tao shouted soon walking away to the spot she remembered.

In middle school the two of you often went to stores and there was this one time you guys bought this cake for fun.

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