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"Last day"

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"Last day"

(Just realized i've been spelling rapunzel wrong this whole time and i don't feel like fixing it so dont mind 😭)

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(Just realized i've been spelling rapunzel wrong this whole time and i don't feel like fixing it so dont mind 😭)

Thursday, 5:31am.

"GATHER up" Hu tao shouted energetically at 5am in the morning. She announced in the group chat to get there so early and mostly everyone said no but Hu tao has her ways on forcing everyone.

Aka, blackmail.

"Hu tao I'm a tree, I'm no use here. I don't need to be here," Xiao's expression was clearly burnt out as he wanted to sleep.

"Then sleep on the floor!" Hu tao yelled not letting anyone leave the room. Xiao gave up in trying to convince her and did as she said laying down on the floor.

"Ah everyone Signora has prepared the outfits," Kazuha smiled with a clipboard in his hand. He didn't want to disappoint Beidou or Ningguang so he was actually trying.

Signora and Childe had brought out the boxes prepared for each and everyone, Venti screeched like a dying rat when he held up his outfit.

"WHY THE FUCK IS THIS A DRESS?! NO I QUIT I'M NOT WEARING THIS," Venti threw down the blue dress.

"Woah look at me! I thought the witch was suppose to have a red dress but it's perfect for someone as hot as me," Tomo bragged fueling Venti up even more.

"Venti I love you and all but the only person you can trade your roles with is Xiao," you informed which Venti quickly thanked you and ran to Xiao's sleeping figure.

"xiao xiao xiao," venti called out kneeing down and shaking him.

"what the fuck do you want?"

"wanna switch roles? 😇 "

xiao felt as if venti was trying to trick him into something so before answering he sat up letting his eyes focus.

"isn't your role the wife? yeah no thanks," xiao answered before falling back to the ground and sleeping.

"fuck you emo boy."

"y/n when is the talent show anyways?" hu tao walked up to you. "It's at like 1:20 so we have a lot of time," you answered.


"isn't there suppose to be an evil step-sister?"

"bro. that's in Cinderella."

"sorry i don't watch disney 24/7" itto yelled back

"no everyone knows that ..."


"and so the prince appears wanting to save repunzel," kazuha narrated.

that was the go for both Scaramouche and itto, the sight was honestly embarrassing but there was nothing else so this was the only choice left.

Itto was crawling on the floor with Scaramouche on his back clearly entertained by this.

"can you hurry up my horse, i have to save my princess," Scaramouche teased getting an angry mark from Itto.

"can you shut up ?!"

"oh what's that? horses aren't eligible to speak."

Itto got pissed off from Scaramouche's remarks and shook Scaramouche off his back making him fall.



"hey xiao," venti approached him in his new dress and his hair down combed actually looking like a girl.

Venti began to pose, he turned to the side with his hand on his hips and his other hand on the side of his forehead winking.

"what the fuck." xiao gave him a horrified look.

"do u think i can seduce men with this? i look pretty sexy."



"okay guys heres the baby doll that's y/n," hu tao brought out the doll that looked horrifying.

"hey ... y/n you look pretty scary as a little widdle baby."

"shut the fuck up."


"Honestly I kind of feel bad we should add some lines for xiao," tomo suggested staring Xiao stand there in his tree costume swaying.

"ah..." hu tao looked back at xiao with a sweatdrop before closing her eyes and smiling awkwardly, "let's do that ..."

"xiao! you have lines!" hu tao ran up to xiao who gave her a glare. "what? i thought you would be happy!" hu tao frowned.

"your lines are when Scaramouche approaches you, you tell him where the dear princess is," Hu tao instructed getting a nod from Xiao.

"Scara come here," Hu tao yelled for him across the room. He was sitting beside you as you were drinking water.

"I'll be back," Scaramouche got up from his spot beside you and walked over to Hu tao.

Hu tao caught Scaramouche up with everything and nodded.

"Where's rapunzel? I have come to save her," Scaramouche pretended to hop off his horse since Itto couldn't make it and walked up to the tree / xiao.

"rapunzel is trapped in that tower the witch is coming back soon so hurry," xiao put in no energy in those only lines he had. He said it so dull and emotionless he actually fit the impression of a tree.

"WOWW XIAO GOT HIS FIRST LINE CLAP EVERYONE !!!" Tomo shouted clapping and everyone else joined clapping.

"I hate you guys," xiao's expression was literally done with everyone. His costume was a tree and the only thing you could see was his face so seeing him like that was so funny.

"We love you too xiao," you joined in laughing.

A/N —

sorry for the short chapter 😰 next chapter is gonna be the talent show and is gonna be long to make up for this 😍‼

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