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" in the past "

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" in the past "

"OH what a coincidence," the unfamiliar boy smiled at Scaramouche

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"OH what a coincidence," the unfamiliar boy smiled at Scaramouche. It didn't take long for you to catch on to who it really was and you were suprised.

Not at the sudden coincidence but at the bruises and cuts he had on his face. Could you even call those bruises anymore? You couldn't help but wonder what really happened that day.

"Older brother! These people are really nice. They bought me ice cream and even a balloon! They're nicer than you," the little girl rambled on and Jiwoo kept a smile on his face acting like he wasn't just shot in the heart by her words.

"Really? That's good to hear, don't go running off like that okay?" Jiwoo put his hand on the little girl's head messing with it.

"It really is a coincidence how have you been?" Scaramouche was looking down at him. He was over the situation but he didn't like the tone of Jiwoo's voice at all.

You felt the tension become a little intense and you almost couldn't breathe. "Well your sister is safe now I suppose we should head off," Scaramouche suggested turning to you for consent.

You gave him a nod turning around and about to walk away with Scaramouche when Jiwoo just had to run his mouth.

"Running away again? Have you even told your girlfriend what you did? That you and your little trio is in a GANG"

sorry what?

You pretended you heard that wrong and continued to walk away, "you heard me right y/n. your boyfriend was maybe he still is in a gang. I don't know what type of story he told you but it was all a lie," Jiwoo rambled on raising his voice loud enough for Scaramouche to hear.

"Older brother you talk too much," the little girl insulted breaking the intense atmosphere making you cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.

"What's your name?" You turned around to ask the little girl. "Kirin," she responded with a smile still licking her ice cream.

"That's a nice name we'll be going okay? Make sure to not run off next time, bye now," you waved goodbye at her before grabbing Scaramouche's hand and walking off.

You didn't know what to say, scaramouche was in a gang? He lied to you about what happened? There were so many questions in your head and you didn't know what to ask first.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Scaramouche stopped looking over to you as he noticed you were deep in thought probably about what Jiwoo said.

You gave no response and he sighed letting go of your hand. This wasn't the first time he let go of your hand so why was it when he did this time, it almost felt as if he was letting go forever.

"Oh sorry yeah sure," you finally responded back and he took you to the nearby park. It was the park you guys both confessed to each other.

The two of you sat down on the swings and you were staring at the ground waiting for him to walk while you swung your legs having a bad feeling.

"What Jiwoo said," Scaramouche broke the silence. "It's true," he confirmed everything in your head. He really was in a gang and so that meant Childe and Signora really was as well.

"So the story with Jiwoo was a lie? The bruises and the cuts on Jiwoo's face was caused by you?" You asked and that was when Scaramouche's grip on the chain of the swing tightened.

"Yeah it was a lie," he answered and you went silent not knowing what to say. You weren't thinking of him as a monster or anything you were just at a lost of words.

"Number one asshole? Does that have a deeper meaning then?" You finally came up with a question.

"Yeah it does, I was expelled from my last school after they found out about what I was doing. So did Childe and Signora maybe we just wanted a new start? Too bad people already knew us, mostly me," he explained.

You didn't really care that they were all in a gang even if they still were you didn't look at him any different but that wasn't what Scaramouche was thinking.

He already grasped the mindset of you hating him. He didn't want to look at you, not at your eyes. He didn't want to see the same expression he got from his loved ones when they found out.

He didn't mind getting that look from someone over and over, as long as it wasn't you.

The truth with Jiwoo wasn't his fault for that part Jiwoo really did deserve the beating. He did a lot of shit and Scaramouche couldn't take that.

But he didn't want to say anymore to you, he didn't want to burden you any longer. So he stood up without you knowing and walked closer to you.

He stopped directly in front of you and you didn't even know until you spotted his shoes. He had both his hands on each side of your head and gave you a kiss at the top of your head.

"Let's break up this isn't working out."

Your eyes widen at those words, "what? no scaramouche listen I don't care about all those things I swear!" you yelled looking up the second you heard those words.

But it was already too late, he was gone and out of your life. The amazing date and the memories you had with you being in his arms burntout from all the stress, the nights where he would call you and help you with your work.

Everything is over.

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