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"SO ..."

"Shut up that escape room was literally shit," Itto yelled still mad about how his leg was grabbed and was dragged by the ghost lady.

He was screaming so loud he was probably going to lose his voice tomorrow.

"And? It wasn't my idea! It was y/n's," childe frowned.

"what are you talking about childe? It was your idea," Scaramouche gave him a confuse stare and everyone did the same.

"You guys are complete jerks," Childe cried out.

Scaramouche and you stopped in your place, "you guys can go back y/n and i wanna go somewhere."

"whaat ? on a date," venti tilted his head to confirm. "yes a date now go I bet the others trashed your house childe," you grinned  and that was all it took for childe to go running.

The others nodded letting you guys go on your date. They walked into the distance leaving the two of you alone at last.

"Today was chaotic as fuck," Scaramouche finally got to breathe. "We did spend two hours in there and since the day's been so chaotic..." you paused.

"let's make it more chaotic!"

"by doing what?"


He agreed with skating he didn't know what was up with the combo of an escape room before skating but it was weird to him.

"What? You can't skate?" Scaramouche smirked at you holding his hand out in a mocking way.

"shut up! it's been a while okay? just give me some time and i'll adjust," you rolled your eyes at him.

"you're just gonna stand there the whole time? take my hand you won't fall," he assured and the jerk did seem convincing so you did take his hand.

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