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"Homework help"

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"Homework help"

"Homework help"

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Friday, 6:32pm.

YOUR older brother was now convincing you to do your math homework all because your teacher decided to call him about how you're going to fail the class and you have like ten missing assignments.

"It's not my fault I have no motivation and is absolutely burnt out," you stared back at your older brother.

"You clearly aren't burnt out when it comes to that purple head boy," he argued back making your eyes widen.

"How do you know about that?" You blinked scared he was gonna tell your nom about it and you knew your mom was definitely going to make a big deal about it.

"I have my connections after all you are my little sister and I have to protect you. Just do your math homework tonight or else I'll tell mom," he threatened.

He actually had no intentions on telling mom about it. He had to use it as a threat to make sure you do your homework.

You sighed, "okay fine I will watch me still fail though," you looked to the side wanting to just make math dissappear from the world.

"Thank you, just let me know if you need any help."

"You won't help you're ass at explaining"

"Shut up"



Today at 6:35pm.

i need help
pls answer 😪

what do u want?

omg hi okay
so my older brother
is making me do my
Math hw

i dont understand
a single thing.

thats my problem

bc i just made it ur problem
now can u help?

dont u have
other ppl

kazuhas good at
math go ask him

but i want
help from u 🙍‍♀️🙍‍♀️

my answer is
still no

omg yk what fine
i'll just go ask kazuha
i Iove him more anyways

fine i'll help u

ooh jealous
call me?

just text


Scar‐Scar has started
a call.



Wow you're such a jealous person, that's all it took?" You teased getting a tch sound from him.

"Shut up, do you want my help or not?"

"I do I do hold on," you laughed turning your camera on.

"You're lying right? This assignment was due two months ago," Scaramouche stared at your paper in shame.

"Shut up it's called having no motivation," you looked at the other 10 papers on the side of your desk.

When you finished the paper you stretched your arms already tired of math, "are we done?" Scaramouche asked.

"About that..." you paused sweating knowing Scaramouche was going to lscture you. "what? i swear to god y/n, if you have 10 more papers to go I'm going to come over and kill you."

"I have 12 more papers to go to be exact..."

He went silent, dead silent.

He regretted everything, he began to question himself on why he decided to help you. He didn't want you going to Kazuha and asking him after you said you love him.

But he didn't expect this, he should've just let you go with Kazuha.

"You're lying, what the fuck y/n?" Scaramouche finally broke the silence with a loud sigh.

"I'm sorry okay? Tomorrow's a saturday I'll treat you to some lunch if you help me," you begged he was suprisingly a really good teacher.

You understood him better than the teacher but it's always like that, students explain it better than teachers.

"Fine," Scaramouche grumpingly accepted and began to help you. You put your phone on a stand and left it there.


Friday, 10:27pm.

You yawned stretching your arms finally on your last paper. Your head was starting to hurt and you were grateful Scaramouche stayed the whole time to help you.

"Scaramouche, are you still here?" You spoke up. "Yeah," he answered clear he was doing other things but paused them whenever you asked for help.

"Thank you," you randomly said suprisingly Scaramouche. "I already said it's nothing and you're treating me so it's whatever."

"I'm gonna take a quick break so hold on," you yawned putting your head down on the desk. Scaramouche nodded and continued doing whatever he was doing before you called for him.

After a few minutes he looked up at the time noticing you've been quiet for way too long. He went back to the app to see you asleep on your desk.

"Dumbass, a break my ass," he scoffed but soon enough a smile tugged at his lips and he wanted to compliment you for doing so well.

"You did good today," he praised letting you sleep. He would just help you tomorrow whenever you guys meet up.

Your position looked uncomfortable to him he just knew your neck was going to be in so much pain tomorrow.

His eyes widened and he slapped himself turning red. He thought of himself as a creep for watching you sleep like that so intensely. He wanted to go over to your house and just carry you back to your bed but it was too late at night to leave.

Since he couldn't be there in person he decided to stay on call eventually falling asleep too.

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