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"Moments with Scaramouche

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"Moments with Scaramouche."

Monday, 12:45pm

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Monday, 12:45pm.

ON the rooftop with Scaramouche was quiet and relaxing. The others were downstairs in the cafeteria but Scaramouche invited you to eat with him alone just for today.

Your head rested on his shoulder while you had earbuds on listening to music scrolling through your phone reading random posts.

While, Scaramouche was sitting there quiet watching the view. "Did you eat?" You put your head up away from his shoulder and turned to Scaramouche pausing your music and taking off one of your earbuds.

"I don't have the appetite," Scaramouche answered. You hummed taking out the box filled with food your older brother packed for you.

"Wanna eat with me?" You offered with a smile taking the fork out of the box. "Did Keiji make that?" He asked not sure if he really wanted to eat something made from HIM.

"Does he bother you still? His food is really good I promise," you grabbed a piece with your fork and held it in front of Scaramouche giving him dark flashbacks.

The dark flashbacks contains the moments where you held a fork in front of him and started flying it around everywhere like he was a little kid.

"What? You're not gonna eat it? Fine I'll just do the air—" You were cut off when he leaned in and bit the piece off of the fork aggressively.

"Bad memories huh?" You laughed watching him chew, "it's not bad," he praised.

"Better than Ei's cooking that's for sure," he took another bite. You laughed feeling bad for Ei, you would've never seen Ei as a bad cook.

She seems like a person who can do anything and be good at everything but cooking doeen't seem to be her specialty.

"Do you wanna listen to some music?" You held up the earbud you took out. He didn't really have a choice because you made a playlist about him, all the songs that remind you about him and the songs that describe how you feel around him.

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