College Roommates and Whoever That Person Thinks He Is

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Prescott University is fairly large campus, it stretched for a few miles in all directions, many people went there for their outstanding medical and computer science programs.

The campus was obviously well cared for, the green grass held no faults ,and the trees that had recently grown back their leaves provided shade for students who decided to take a walk or study outside for a few hours. The streets connecting all of the building looked brand new, as well as the yellow and white paint that showed where to stop and where to go. Bikes mainly traveled the sidewalks, cars were too expensive for the college students. They could barely pay for room and board, let alone gas and insurance bills. For the few that could afford the tuition and a ride, they flaunted it without care.

The buildings were made of brick, bright red and black, showing much the staff tended to the outside of the campus. Each building had a crest to show which centre it held, Theatre had the masks of emotion, Math got the human brain and a pencil, Science of course had the beakers and a microscope, and finally the English part had a boring half done essay with a pen.

Dorms they had were different, they weren't that small compared to other universities. A respectable dorm there typically had three reasonable sized rooms. They weren't huge, but they weren't closets either. The main room was large enough for a couch, maybe a beanbag chair, a small T.V, and then in the corner there is a sad excuse for a kitchen. Three-maybe four cabinets, a hot plate, a microwave, and a mini fridge. Of course students had the choice to add things, a bigger fridge, a better microwave, not enough room for a full oven so they were stuck with the hot plate.

The dorm Lucius was staying in was no different and he had to share with someone. The Grim Reaper looked more 'human' now, his hair was more brown then red and his green eyes became more of a oaky shade too, and he wore black rimmed glasses. They were enchanted with glamour, Lucius had done the spell himself. The glamour made him seem more trust worthy and less...well, strange. The muscle that barely showed before now was hidden even more, but almost in an elegant way, he looked...normal.

He didn't have much stuff, only cloths, no memorabilia from his high school days, not that he even had high school days. If he ever did, he didn't tell anyone. Lucius never really kept things, the only thing he's ever gotten and kept were tattoos and even those he keeps covered.

"Uh, hey dude," his room said. The sudden action knocked Lucius out of his daze, "I'm guessing you're my new roommate."

Lucius nodded as he stood up and went to go meet the young man. Physically the man looked younger than Lucius, couldn't be older than 23-24, at most 25. Clearly a senior at this school, but what major? He doesn't look like a programming type of person, so medical science maybe? "Hi," Lucius said letting his English accent through knowing America's weird obsession with how their voices sound, "yeah...I guess so."

"Well, I'm Zaden Quinn," the black haired man said as he held out his hand, "nice to meet you."

Lucius's unnatural light caramel eyes met Zaden's pools of kind dark chocolate, "Lucius," he said.

"Lucius..." Zaden trailed as he tried to guess a last time.

"Just Lucius," the Grim Reaper said quickly as he stuffed his pale hands in his pockets, he looked around. His eyes found the window with yellow sunlight pouring in. Like a moth to a flame he flew to it, fascinated by the simply overlooked trait Earth possessed. Lucius hadn't been to Earth at a time when the sun was shinning in a while. He missed how the yellow light pooled in rooms, he missed the heat on his skin, no matter how hot or humid. Then there was the blue sky and the white clouds that floated like sticks on water. Oh the water-how could he forget about the water? How it flowed in streams, oceans, and rivers; and-oh the ocean! The ocean-a seemingly endless mass full of life even in the darkest of places, "I forgot how much I missed this," he murmured under his breath as he looked out onto the street.

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