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Sooyoung's POV

"And for more videos like this, subscribe to Elle!" I smiled at the camera.

"Thank you for watching" Soyeon said happily.

"Bye!" All 7 of us said in unison before the cameraman turned off the camera.

We just finished playing Song Association with Elle and it was actually really fun.

And now we have the rest of the day off.

We were doing numerous promotions for out new mini album 'I Trust' and I loved every moment of it.

From writing and composing the songs with Soyeon, to shooting the MV, numerous interviews and of course performing 'Oh My God'. I loved every moment of it, even if it was hard at times, especially during this pandemic.

'Oh My God' is one of my new favorite songs, well... Until another one comes out. But I know that 'Uh Oh', 'Lion' and 'Senorita' will also be my all time favorites.

"That was actually really fun" Minnie said as we all stood up.

"Yeah, I would love to do it again" Miyeon responded.

"It was fun and all but I'm kinda tired. Especially when Shuhua is here" They all laughed until Shuhua came around.


"Yah don't be mean to Shuhua, Yuqi is much worse. I could last with 10 Shuhua's but not even 1 Yuqi" Soojin wrapped her arm around Shuhua as she spoke softly.

As those sentences left Soojin's mouth, all hell broke loose. We all knew this would happen.

"YAH SOOJIN! It is NOT my fault that I am beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, fun and YOU are not! I BET Sooyoung would last with 20 of me!"

Bro I barely last with 1 Yuqi and 1 Shuhua. I wouldn't last with 2 Shuhua's nor 2 Yuqi's.

"I'll just leave you two alone aaaannnnd I'll take Soyeon, Minnie, Miyeon and Soojin. I'll last with 20 of them each. Shuhua wouldn't last with 1 Yuqi and vise versa" The older girls laughed so loud, the sound echoed through the room as the 2 younger girls stayed silent with their mouths forming 'O's.

"Yah okay come on let's go, all 7 of us will last with 1 of each other" Miyeon gathered us together before we all headed out of the room.

All of us headed to our dorm, talking and laughing, overall enjoying the presence of each other.

As soon as we entered our dorm, I felt really hungry so I entered the kitchen and decided to make some food.

"Hey are any of you hungry?" I asked just in case, because some of the members just love to steal my food.

"You can make me some"

"Yeah for me too"

"Sure, I'll have whatever you're having"

"YES, unnie pleeeeeeeeease will you make me some too?"

"Yeah, of course, you know I'm always hungry"

Alright, food for me, Yuqi, Soojin, Shuhua, Minnie and Miyeon, basically cooking for 7.

"Soyeon unnie, I'm cooking! You want some?" I called out before Soyeon turned on the TV, searching for a show to watch for all of us.


Sometimes Soyeon's hatred to vegetables is ridiculous, but cute and hilarious at the same time. Anyway I'm gonna cook kimchi jjigae.

I was just finishing prepping before I heard feet padding across the floor.

"Sooyoung-ie, let me help. What you makin'?" It was Soojin, the little adorable kitchen gremlin.

"Awww thank you Soojinnnn~~~"

With Soojin's help, I finished in 25 minutes and she also helped set the table for dinner.

"Dinner's ready!"

Soon enough, all the members ran from wherever they were to the dinner table, some of them stumbled, which was kinda cute.

"Waaahhh~~~ Looks so good!" Soyeon admired the delicious food me and Soojin prepared before we all sat down and started to dig in.

"Thank you for this meal, let's eat!"

As we started eating I couldn't help but notice that my phone was constantly ringing. I tried to ignore it and enjoy dinner with the girls but it was starting to get annoying.

I picked up my phone and my eyes widened at the caller.

Cube Ent.

I've been ignoring calls from the company all this time!

"Hello, Sooyoung?"

Hong Seung-Sung sajangnim sounded a little upset, which made me very nervous and worried.

Did I do something wrong?

"Yes, what is it? Oh and I'm sorry I wasn't picking up" I excused myself from the table.

"It's okay but I'm gonna have to see you in my office as soon as possible, is that alright?" His tone of voice didn't chance and I grew much more nervous.

"Uhmm... Okay... I just have to finish something and I'll be heading out" I tried not to seem upset or nervous but I failed miserably.

"Alright, I'll see you soon" And with that, he hung up.

I. Am. Freaking. OUT.

My heart is pumping in my chest, I feel like it's gonna explode.


I'm gonna have a heart attack before I even get there.

My mind is a total mess right now.

I sat back down, not taking my mind off of what sajangnim said.

"Sooyoung-ie, what happened? Who was it? What did they say?" Soyeon questioned worriedly as Soojin and Miyeon both rubbed my back.

"Seung-Sung sajangnim said to meet him in his office AND I'M FREAKING OUT"

"Oh it's probably not that bad" Miyeon tried to comfort me the best she can, like always, but this time, it ain't fucking working.

"Well it didn't sound 'Not that bad'!"

"I'm sure it's nothing, just eat and then you'll go and find out" Yuqi said as she stuffed her mouth with some rice.

That's all I can do for now. Maybe food will take my mind off of it.

"Sooyoung unnie, don't worry about it! You have food! That's already a power up!" Shuhua, being the silly maknae she is, never failed to be funny and silly.

"And it's fucking good, what else do you need?"

"Yuqi, stop shoving your mouth, you're gonna die" I warned her.

Even though she's only a few months younger than me, I still like to baby her and treat her like a kid.

"And stop cussing Yuqi" Miyeon added.

At times she can be the mother of the group and sometimes she can be the baby.

Cutie Miyeon-unnie.

We ate together and having them next to me made me push Seong-Sung's words further back.

Doesn't change the fact that I'm still nervous.


Let Me Shine In Your World | Shin Ryujin (GxG) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now