(𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞) mixtape

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FAYE COULD FEEL THE FLAMES that she stood in, lacing up her sides. It was agony, her flesh turning to dust. She watched the bubbling of blood around her skin as she seemed to melt away. Death was worse than she had expected. Hell was not forgiving.

She'd tried to run but she felt there were chains around her wrists. Heavy metal chains that dug into her skin. Normally this would hurt like hell but her mind was already preoccupied on the burning. Fire had never hurt so much and Faye could not imagine this much pain was a possibility.

As the chains tightened her bones seemed to crack out of place. She let out another scream but it was pointless, there was no one around to hear her. Faye wondered what she had done to deserve this. Had she really done such wrong to grant herself this much pain? She screamed again, louder this time. Her voice sounded hoarse, she inhaled the smoke from the fire.

The thick black smoke coils infested her lungs, Faye coughed desperately wondering whether this would finish her off. Hell felt eternal, Faye knew there was no way out. She rattled her hands against the chains, they clanged ominously and the sound echoed for miles.

Everything that she could see was covered in flames. In the distance there was a devil, he was sat on a throne of bones. Faye screamed again, trying to rip herself free. If only she could explain, she had never intended to be bad. She deserved a second chance. Her throat burned with the weight of the smoke filling her lungs and the fire beneath her was only getting hotter.

There were other screams around her but they were irrelevant in her mind. The pain was too much to consider concentrating on others. She could no longer feel her legs but the pain contained her. Bones seemed to split in two, her skull at its limit. She wrenched her arms again against the chains but it was to no avail.

Faye cried very loudly, desperate for someone to help. She looked to the sky and only saw darkness. Not a sun to be seen, no stars, no moon. Tears were red hot against her cheeks. They left their own burning marks down her skin. Faye was wild with her actions, shaking her arms and screaming if she just kept screaming someone would hear her.

Faye opened her eyes, still half in the dream. She sat up with a racing heart, half a scream still present in her throat. It filled the air around her for a moment in a horrible ragged way. Her voice was still broken, painful. That only made the scream sound worse. It didn't take Faye long to realise she was not in hell but in Eddie Munson's bedroom.

The next second, the door swung open and he was there turning the light on.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry" Faye ran her hands through her hair, still breathing heavily. "I should've warned you I um... I just get these vivid dreams, it happens all the time... I'm fine I didn't mean to wake you"

"You scared the shit out of me" Eddie sighed.

"I'm sorry" Faye repeated, "it pisses my family off but I don't know how to stop doing it... waking up screaming I mean, it's stupid I know"

"It's not stupid" Eddie shook his head, "not you're fault, you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Faye nodded.

She thought of the dream again and felt a shiver in her spine, it was better than the flames that had burnt her what felt like moments ago. Faye could still imagine the pain, still pull it from her subconscious. It was no wonder she dreamt of hell really, Eddie's room was full of pictures of devils.

"Right... well as long as you're okay" Eddie smiled as he turned to leave again, the light flicked off.

"Wait" Faye said quickly. The room was illuminated in light again as Eddie raised his eyebrows in confusion.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 | eddie munson Where stories live. Discover now