7 Focus, Y/N focus

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Drinking the rest of my coffee, I kept thinking about what could the boys possibly do to get better other than just practice and how could I help.

Got it!

I'll make a nutritional plan for them. It won't be some big difference but it'll surely help. From what I saw Hinata and Kageyama buy at Ukai's store, their diet would definitely need some improvement.

Full of energy from the coffee and full of motivation from my idea, I went back to inform Ukai.

"So what do you think?" I beamed after I explained my idea to Ukai.

"I see what you mean but as I said earlier couldn't it wait? I was kinda in the middle of something." He said and just now I realized I walked in on him changing...well more ran in on him.

I was so excited to tell him that I ran straight to his room and burst in without asking and immediately started spewing my idea to him.

His shirt was halfway on as he managed to pull only one arm through the sleeve before I smashed the door open.

My eyes went from his eyes slowly down his torso, appreciating every muscle that his exposed skin had to offer, only stopping at his lower abdomen where his skin hid under his sweatpants.

"Are you done?" A light chuckle brought me out of my thoughts which were quickly getting foggy.

I looked up at him wide-eyed. My eyebrows quickly furrowed as I tried to save face even though I was getting red as a tomato.

"I was assessing your physique for medical purposes to see if you'd need a nutritional plan too." I lied through my teeth even though I knew not even a child would believe me.

"And do I?" He leaned closer to me smirking, clearly enjoying the mess I became after seeing his body.

"I don't know." I murmured avoiding his mischievous gaze.

"Then maybe you should take another look to know." He straightened up to show off.

"I...I don't have time for this." I spat out and speed-walked out of the room.

Later Ukai gathered the team to hear out what I had proposed to him.

"...okay so my idea is a nutritional plan. Many athletes have strict diets they need to follow to the point and you'll have something similar. That means no unnecessarily fatty or sugary foods, no empty calories for starters. I'll get more specific in each of your nutritional plans when I make them." I ended my speech with an encouraging smile because I saw some of the weary faces.

Before an awkward silence could arise Ukai stood and took a place by my side.

"You heard Y/N. Yesterday was horrible and we gotta change that so stop making those faces and thank her at least when she gets out of her way to help you." Ukai roared and the boys quickly started thanking me which brought a smile to my face.

When the teams started training again I used some of the time to search for nutritional plans to make up the most suitable for their age and sports demands.

Unfortunately, this day was another one of many losses for the Karasuno team. They got better though, however, it wasn't still enough.

It was after dinner when I was in my room looking up more nutritional stuff on my computer and someone knocked on my door.

After my mindless 'come in' the door slowly opened.

"Miss L/N?" I immediately recognized the polite tone of Mr. Takeda.

"Yes, is someone hurt? Do you need my help?" I was reaching for the first aid kit.

"No, no, no. Fortunately, everyone is fine." He smiled widely.

"But I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me and the other coaches for a little get-together we'll be having at the restaurant across the street." Mr. Takeda shyly rubbed the back of his neck, occasionally bumping into his glasses.

"Sure, I just need to finish something on my computer." I smiled.

"I'll wait outside then."

Oh god, I hope there won't be alcohol because I always overdo it.

There was alcohol.

Fortunately, I held back and didn't touch any, however someone who didn't seem to hold back was Ukai. He was one drink away from singing a sappy song on the karaoke, fortunately, most of the coaches had already went back to the accommodation so he wouldn't have a big audience but still, I couldn't let him do that.

"I think we should go to sleep." I went to Ukai and tried to pull him up out of the booth we were sitting in.

"Yeah, I think I'll go in a minute too." Mr. Takeda who was a bit tipsy as well announced while sloppily adjusting his glasses.

"Good night then Mr. Takeda, good night everyone." I finally pulled out Ukai who immediately rested his arm around my shoulder.

"Let's goo." He yelled and waved back at his colleagues as I was trying to navigate him to the door.

I was so glad that they chose a restaurant in such close vicinity as this. Even though Ukai's legs were walking, his body was very much using me as his crutches.

"Y/N, you believe we'll beat the damn Nekoma team, right?" He suddenly murmured when we started walking up the stairs.

"Of course I do. Karasuno is the best." I answered with a heavy breath as I was trying to support Ukai while balancing the stairs.

"Good girl. I knew I could count on you." He slurred out and ruffled my hair.

My body froze for a second and warmth filled my cheeks. But as I was getting lost in my thoughts again I forgot to support Ukai and almost dropped him down the stairs.

Focus Y/N, focus.

I huffed and took the final step up the stairs.

His room should be to the right. It was hard navigating the dark hall while also having to support him.

When we reached his room, I quietly called out to him.

"Ukai, hey, Ukai. You need to get off me now." I whispered but he didn't seem to budge.

Ugh, is he asleep?

I looked out of the corner of my eyes and yes, indeed he had comfortably laid his head on my shoulder and fallen asleep.

I sighed and opened the door to his room.

After I tried to carefully put him down on the duvet, I noticed some leaves had stuck in his hair, probably while we were walking.

I kneeled down to pull the leaves out when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped themselves around me and I fell to the floor with a thud.

"Hey, let go of me." I whispered while trying to push myself from him which somehow made him clasp at my body even more.

I took a deep breath as I watched the ceiling, stuck in Ukai's grasp.

You must be kidding me.

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