Your not focusing- Tom Riddle

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Name: Miss......Potter
Your Twin: Albus Severus Potter
Your blood status: Half-blood
Your Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Your year at Hogwarts: 6

Yᴏᴜʀ Mᴇɴᴛᴏʀ: Tᴏᴍ Mᴀʀᴠᴏʟᴏ Rɪᴅᴅʟᴇ

Everything in the Chamber of Secrets was riddled with foreboding and terror. The same sort of terror

that could make even the strongest of hearts come crumbling down. Could cause legs to shake, eyes to water and hands start twitching. Here was the place for the last couple of years Tom had made it his job to mentor you for you were:

His apprentice.

Because of this he had made sure his Basilisk would never hurt you, unless he wished for it and luckily for you he hadn't so far.

Tonight was no different from any other you had shared within his twisted and malevolent Chamber of Secrets. Where the Basilisk lay in the darkness waiting for Tom to give the orders to attack any intruder. Tonight like usual Tom was attempting to teach you dark magic and in specific the killing curse, what you were forced to use on a small timid boy who had mistakenly followed you into the Chamber of Secrets. Before Tom gave you an order he pushed his body up against yours so he could see things from your angle.

"You know what you have to do don't you?" Tom's voice was as soft as velvet but there was a hint of danger and power to it what was unmistakably haunting.

"Yes I know what I have to do."

"Then do it and make short work of it," as Tom spoke he breathed a cold spider like breathe onto the back of your spine what immediately caused your hair to stand up on end.

You bought out your well looked after wand your parents had gotten you, pointed it at the whimpering puny little boy and prepared to use the killing curse on him. But something held you back. That something was the sole thought of your twin brother Albus Severus who was such a sweet boy, yet was often over looked by your father.

Unfortunately for you Tom picked up on this, so he slipped his hand snakely onto your wrist what he began digging into with his fingertips. In hopes of forcing you to carry out his orders and not caring at all if he had to hurt you.

"Your not focusing."

Trying to gain a bit of confidence to reply back to him you found some, but you knew it was risky to talk back to him.

"Tom I'm trying."

"Not good enough. Focus if you don't want me to make you regret it, after all I am one of the greatest wizards of all time."

Of course Tom was boasting just like he always did. Something you had long since gotten used to and when he wasn't too mad at you, you could easily block it out. But because Tom was trying to get you to follow his orders it was near to impossible to block his boasting out. What annoyed you but what could you do about it? Stamp your feet and moan.

Good way to turn him against you. Not the best way to keep yourself safe from him.

"Avada Ked....ᵃᵛʳᵃ" the last part came out no louder than a whisper. What agitated Tom who was quick to snap out at you. "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you. Speak up!" came Tom's strict loud order what he snapped out at you as he dug his fingertips deeper into your arm.

Suprisingly, you yelled the killing curse at the top of your voice that time. Something you, a Potter, would never expect yourself to actually do. Let alone what others would expect of you. Well except Tom, who would be mad if you didn't use it when he ordered you to.

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