Entering the Manner- Draco

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The year is 17th Century Wizard ruling Britain meaning the views during this time are present these views are:

• Muggles and Muggleborns are inferior.

• Woman and children must do exactly what they are told by the men of higher classes.

• Women and girls can't use magic in self-defence or in duels they can only use magic to play with in hopes of guaranteeing themselves marriage.

P.S: Although no one would of self identified at the time as non-binary but I feel like the main character in this might've, but it won't be addressed properly.

You had no other choice than to compromise with your Uncle with your arranged marriage to Draco Malfoy. A boy you had always despised since you were a young girl attempting to study and learn behind the harsh glare of the Wizard Georgian society, besides you were secretly smitten with your childhood friend and Oxbridge scholar Cedric Diggory who was from a poorer financial background than you, but was still from a rich well respected household though.

The only reason you had eventually agreed to the arranged marriage was because your Uncle had threatened to reveal the fact you were supporting Muggles in their far worse positions. For Death Eaters had several years ago defeated them leaving every Muggle and Muggleborn with no choice but to hide or flee. Even when you were little you had become determined to help Muggles and Muggleborns in anyway that you could what wasn't a lot because you were a Wizard Gorgian lady who was only allowed to look pretty and play childishly with magic in hopes of getting yourself a husband. Not that you'd need that now though for you were going to be given away by your Uncle to a wealthy Pureblood wizard.

Who in your case just so happened to be your worst childhood enemy, not that your Uncle cared. For all he cared about was the fact that the Malfoy family were an even wealthier household than you and Purebloods.

"Niece, you have one chance so if you so dare use it for ill, I will not hesitate to inform the Death Eaters including the Dark Lord of your inconvenience to our respectable society," purred your Uncle in a highly posh and harsh way what would've caused your younger self to start trembling but you were in no position to do that as you rode in your highly experience pink sacque gown what was so impractical to move in it was like torture. Around your neck you wore a necklace of immaculate white pearls what shone as brightly as winter snow. All the while trying to keep up a polite smile as you attempted to innocently glance out the window instead of looking your Uncle in the face.

Everyone of these things seemed impossibly difficult to you. For it was no hidden mystery that not only did you learn and teach yourself like a man; you preferred to dress like one as well; lastly you preferred to sword fight and hunt on horseback instead of paint, sow, dance or host tea/ dinner parties.

Although there was one thing you did share with the girls of your class and society, you did enjoy playing with magic using your wand, but unlike them you never used it in hopes of enticing a husband. No you used it mostly to learn or duel with.

"Uncle, I will attempt to make you proud, I promise after all I am the only heir of our family's fortune after you, for my parents died when I was only young, I was their only child and you never married."

To this your Uncle only mustered out a grumble before you were there at last at Malfoy Manner, what sadly would be your new home what was miles away from your home, from Oxford, from the life you knew and from Cedric (the only man you'd ever love).

Just so you could get married to the boy you could never stand and who had always found delight in tormenting you every opportunity he had. Besides you weren't his type that was for certain for it was no hidden mystery he was looking for a well-mannered docile wife who would obey him and rear him children preferably a boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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