what is wrong with humans

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The cool breeze was a nice touch to the small field trip we participated in. Although looking down was a bit scary, it was outweighed significantly by the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

Maya had brought her hairbrush for me finally. "Okay! Stay still, I'm going to brush your hair."

I did as told, and was met with one of the worst pains I'd ever experienced. "OW!"

"I mean it's been a month, what'd you expect?" Raph replied.

"You cannot talk, you don't have hair!" Maya protested.

"I've never had hair before!" I cried out. "How was I supposed to know?"

When the hellish torture was over, I had tears in my eyes. I ran my hands through my hair. It was the softest thing I'd ever felt.

"Well, the good news is, your hair isn't a mess." Started Raph. "The bad news is, you still look creepy."

"Stop it, Raph!" Leo said, covering my ears.

"It's okay. I know I am quite um hideous."

"I didn't say that." Raph eased. "You're just...buggy."

"Like a preying mantis! Or is it praying mantis?" Maya joined in, smiling awkwardly.

"Or! A lemur!" Mikey suggested.

It was Donnie's turn for the banter. "Mikey, lemurs aren't bugs."

"They have HUGE eyes though."

"Enough guys! Iris doesn't look like a bug or a lemur. They look like Iris." Leo gave me a closed smile, only faltering to give his brothers a stern look. "It's getting late. We should get back."

When we got back, Maya helped me into the restroom. "Bath time!"

Bath time the first day was the worst. I yelled and cried at the scalding water when it touched my skin. It's been nearly two months since then. Although I still dread Maya's harsh scrubbing, the water has cooled to a lukewarm temperature.

After sudsing my hair and removing dirt from my body, Maya rinsed me off.

"Soon, when we trust you to not drown in the tub, you can bathe by yourself!"

Maya flashed her large white teeth, and dried me off with a warm towel. She placed a blue hairbrush on the sink counter.

"This one's yours."

Maya left the restroom, leaving me to change myself.

As I clothed myself, my face felt warmer than usual. My heartbeat was booming out of my chest. I want to see Leo, I thought to myself. I left the bathroom in a hurry.

"Did you waste all—" Raph started, but was met with wet hair and no reply. "Hey!"

I crept into Leonardo's room.

"Oh hey Iris!"

"Leo." I put my face close to his, our foreheads knocking together. His breath was warm.

"Iris, what're you doing?!" His face brightened with a blush, but his eyes were like a scared guppy.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "I want to be with you. To be close to you. You make me feel nice."

Leo moved his head away from mine, patting my shoulders briskly.

"Iris, you don't know what you're doing."

Embarrassed, I left the room hurriedly. "Sorry."

Learning To Be Human | TMNT Leo X OC Love Story Where stories live. Discover now