Twenty-Eight: Breaking

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I took glass by glass, trying to force myself to stop before I got too drunk.

I walked back into the other room, looking for Harry. But only meeting sweaty people bumping into me.

When I felt a cold sensation hit the stomach of my dress. I look down, seeing a dark red stain on the dress. I gasp, looking up to a stranger.

It was girl, and she looked at me. She laughs,"Oh, sorry." She says, before walking away. I sigh, this night has not been going great.

I didn't know how to find Harry. I didn't see Maria with her group of friends near the couch anymore.

I look around some more before I go into the bathroom. I look at myself, in the mirror.

I looked normal, a normal girl who has a red stain on her dress. I leave the bathroom, still not being able to find Harry.

I go outside looking out there, before I seen Maria kissing someone. The guy pulling away.

I gasp, my heart breaking into thousands of pieces. My brain spinning in circles. Why?
Harry the guy she was kissing. She looks at me smirking before licking her lips.

"Told ya." She lips. My eyes filled with tears, Harry looks at her with an angry look, before looking at me.
His eyes saddened, and worried. I run back into the club, tears starting to fall.
Was the only thing I could think of.
My brain, my mind still spinning.
My heart breaking, and crumbling.
I grab tons of drinks, gulping them down one by one.

So much went down my throat, the bartender looking at me as if I needed to stop. I shrug, walking away. Stumbling by each step, when I heard my name being called.

"Camila! I've been looking everywhere for you. You gotta let me explain," Harry says, pleading. I laugh bitterly,"Explain what? That you cheated on me? No thanks, I'd rather not hear it." I reply, walking away.

My steps turning into running. When I get outside, I still hear his footsteps following me. I sigh, turning around.

"Harry leave me alone. Haven't you done enough?" I say, tears starting to fall.

He looks at me, his green eyes showing sadness. "But I didn't do anything! She ki-" I interrupt him.

"Oh, she kissed you first? Stop making up stories, did you steal that from Niall?" I ask, my drunk self taking over me.

He looks at me, shocked.
"I had feeling this would happen," I whisper, "I didn't cheat on you, I promise. I love you way to much to do that." He states, trying to grab my hand.

"I guess you didn't love me enough." I say.

"I love you, Camila. Like I always have, please you have to believe me, I didn't kiss her." He pleads, walking closer to me.

More tears fall, when I look up at him. He sees, as his eyes widen. "Baby..stop crying."

"It didn't seem like you loved me, when you let me go. Remember that?" I ask, he frowns.

"I only let you go, to keep you safe." I avoid his eyes. My heart was beating fast, I just wanted to be in his arms, feeling his kisses on my lips.

"I was only trying to protect you." He says. I look into his eyes, a new set of tears filling them. This was going to be hard.

"All you did was break me, Harry." I reply, before I started the long walk home.

Finding You (Camarry)(Sequel to Breaking & Healing)Where stories live. Discover now