Thirty-Three: Forgotten Promise Ring

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This is not the epilogue, just a regular long chapter. Byee, two chapters left and a epilogue left. Are you happy or sad?
One year later..

"Harry! I finished packing up, the stuff in the living room." I yell, from downstairs.
I hear his footsteps echo through the hallway.

"Great, then we can move in our new house in no time." He smiles, kissing my lips softly. I smile, seeing some behind the stand beside my couch.

"Harry, what's that?" I ask, walking towards it. He looks at it in confusion, before picking up the stand moving it to the side.

He picks up, a small black box. Realization flashed through his emerald eyes. "The promise ring.." He mumbles more to himself
"What?" I ask, clearly confused.

What promise ring?

"Last year, it was the day when you found out about your aunt getting into an accident. I was going to give it to you, but I never got to. I had everything set up too.."He sighs, basically face palming.

I smile, walking closer to him. "You got me a promise ring, Harry..." I say, surprised. He nods, giving me a look that was unreadable.

"I'm sorry I never gave it to you. But I have a perfect solution." He says, happily. I look at him curiously, he gets on one knee.

"Camila Cabello will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asks, holding on my hands. I blush, "Yeah, I would love to go on a date with you." I laugh, trying to ignore my hot cheeks.

He stands up, kissing me again. "I love you." He says.


I wake up from a nap, I stand up with a yawn escaping my mouth. I walk around my apartment, looking for Harry. He was nowhere in sight.

I sigh, wondering where he could be. I look at the time seeing it was five in the afternoon. I walk into the kitchen, seeing a note on the table.

On the top of the folded note, it said:

To: Camila

I open it, curiously. Why did he write a note? I started to read it my smile growing.

Camila, hi love. (I know you like it when I call you that) for our date tonight, I wanted to make it EXTRA special. Because I love you. At six, Lauren will arrive and she'll tell you why.

Sincerely, some guy who loves you very much.

Ps, that's me...Harry.

I smile at his note, seeing it was still thirty minutes before Lauren would arrive. I grin excitedly for this date.

But it was the thirty minutes passed fastly, when I heard a knock on the door.

I open it, to a grinning Lauren.

"Okay, you ready? Let's gets you all dolled up!" She basically yells.

I laugh, but wince at the tone of her voice. She shrugs, grabbing me pulling me into the bathroom.

"Take a shower, first. Shave and all that girly stuff too. Now, hurry the hell up. We have only like...two hours!" She exclaims.

"Two hours, is a lot of time." I mumble.

"Don't sass me, that's my job." She remarks.

I roll my eyes, and get into the shower, after she leaves.


I'm out the shower, Lauren currently doing my hair. When she finished, my hair was down curled beautifully.

She already finished my makeup, and now pulled out a dress and heels.

"You're wearing the heels, so don't even start." She replies, rolling her eyes. I raise my hands in surrender, before changing into the dress.

(Outfit on the side)

I look in the mirror, at myself. I looked really good, and that's saying something since I always think I look like t-

"Camila! We only have ten minutes! Come on!" She yells, I run out of the bathroom.

"I'm finished! What is it now?" She smiles, handing me a note. Before she left out of my apartment, with a wink of her eye.
I open it.

Hi, love. Lauren should be finished now, with you. Niall should be there any minute now. He will take you where our date is gonna be at, then he'll tell you some more stuff you'll find out later. Sorry if I'm getting on your nerves.

Sincerely, a guy named Harry whose fallen in love with a beautiful girl.
Ps, the girl is you.

I blush, crazily since he wasn't even physically here. I sigh, not wanting to wait anymore to see him.

But as soon as I thought that, the door was knocked on again. I open it finding Niall. "Hey, ready?" He asks, smiling. I nod, politely.


He stops in front of a park, lights lit up around it. It was pretty, since the stars were covering the night sky. I look at Niall, expectantly.

He hands me a note,"That'll help ya out. I kinda forgot what he told me to tell you, but I know it's probably in the note. Good luck!" He chuckles, driving away.

I shake my head, but found myself laughing. I open a note for the third time, tonight.

Hi, love. I promise this is the last note!!
I bet that I'm missing you right now.
Well, you'll finally going to have the date. Now follow my directions.

You see the path, follow it. Then you'll see a rose garden, when you make it there you'll see me. I love you, love. < hahaha

Sincerely, a guy whose very bad at trying to be romantic for a girl he loves.
Ps, It's me...Harry.. who's trying to be romantic, and you're the girl I love.

I make it to the rose garden, it was beautiful. But Harry wasn't anywhere.
Then I felt a presence behind me, hands covers my eyes.

"Guess who?" He whispers.
"Uh..Ryan Gosling?" I joke. I heard him groan, I laugh turning around.

He hugs me,"Ready for thus amazing incredibly cliché and cheesy date?" He asks, grinning.

"Yes, couldn't be more excited."

Sorry for the stupid chapter!
Comment if you liked it, I wanna know what you think. Two more chapters left and an epilogue. Vote and comment please.

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