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Y/n's pov

"Cap, you're not going to like who we just found." Clint sighs through comms.

"What? Who?" I hear Steve through my earpiece as Wanda and I run through the halls.

"Whatever—Whoever he found, I'm sure it's fine so, let's focus on them, okay?" Wanda cups my face, noticing the worry in my expression.

The jet ride was not so lively. After the meeting with Fury, everyone was quiet. The trip was not as long as I thought, in a few hours I could already see the white snow and the frozen weather of Siberia. The tip of my nose was cold and red as Wanda's hair.

The base was definitely underground. The only thing that told us that it existed were the metal doors that the snow let us see on the ground and the guards surrounding it. As Tony said, there were not one or two guards at the door but a dozen of them.

"It has to be here." Tony nodded to us and we got down to business. Steve wasted no time in assuring us—more to me than to Wanda—that whatever happened, he was there for us as we tried to retrieve the codes from the soldiers guarding the door.

Afterwards, everything turned into fists and unconscious bodies resting everywhere. Wanda and I were instructed to stay near the door, watching for reinforcements from other bases, but obviously not alone. We have Bruce waiting for code green and babysitting.

Like every fucking time.

"Okay, let's do that." I nod three times before my eyes turn blue.

Two soldiers lunge at me, both with loaded guns in their hands. A small tilt of my head and the sound of the small bullets hitting the ground fill the room as I empty the charger.

My right foot slides down the first soldier's legs, causing his body to fall to the ground. Blood dripping from his nose before the other wraps his arms around my torso, holding my arms captive as I struggle with myself not to use my powers against them. I raise my right knee and kick behind his, causing the second soldier to fall to the ground crying in pain.

I think I dislocated it.

I wince at the thought of that much pain but end to crouch in front of them and use his heads to knock each other out.

I peek over my shoulder, stealing a glance as Wanda flies by as she blasts several of the soldiers heading to where Nat and Steve are retrieving information. They found a room where there were several computers. Natasha said there might be more information on the remaining bases so Wanda and I guard the door while Steve guards the other entrance.

"Oh, shit." Tony curses through comms. "Don't you dare say language, Rogers. Brock Rumlow's here."

My blood runs cold and I don't know why.

"Rumlow?" Natasha asks.

"Yep. The one and only." Tony replies. "Didn't Fury take care of him years ago?"

"Romanoff." I hear Steve's worried voice. "We're on our way. Don't let him get away."

"Green code?" Bruce asks me shyly.

"I don't think so." I smile at him, running towards Wanda.

"Let's go." She tells me with her thick accent.

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