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"So, you're not going to..." You sob, shaking your head.

"I would never." His genuine tone letting you breathe right for the first time in a week. "I'm sorry I couldn't to anything sooner, y/n."

"Thank you." You wrap your hands around his slim body, burying your face on his chest. "Please get me out of here. I want—please take me home."

"That's the plan, sweetheart." Logan nods against the top of your head. His arms are wrapped loosely around your shoulders. "But we need to go now before they notice I'm not supposed to interact with you—or anyone here." A grin stretching his cupid bow.

"Okay." You sniff, managing to show him a small smile. "Lead the way, carrot."

"Oh, you're in a better mood huh?" His smile widens as he walks. "Make fun of me all of you want, pretty. I'm saving your ass."

You just smile and follow behind him. Your body pumping with adrenaline making it a hundred times easier to forget about all of your wounds and bruises as you follow him to a door that leads to an underground tunnel.

A feeling of peace begins to make your muscles relax as you run through the corridors on your way to get out of that awful place that you fear has completely destroyed you. They definitely stole a big part of you that you will never get back but the mere thought of going home makes you put those thoughts aside and just hope to see your family again.

Do I even know this guy? No, I would definitely remember that peculiar color of his hair.

Would I?

Logan is indeed an attractive guy. His orange, wavy hair shorter on the sides and longer at the top along with thin green eyes that remind you of the forest and a sea of ​​freckles spread all over his nose and neck.

The sound of men shouting in different languages echoes off the walls of the tunnel, breaking your moment of eyeing Logan as his hand wraps around your wrist and tugs you to run faster towards the light.

"They're following us!" You shout over the voices.

"I know!" Logan turns so his eyes meet yours. "We're going to have to run until we lose them, okay? Just follow me."

You nod, running faster than ever behind him until you cross that door.

When the cold air hits your flushed face, tears immediately fill your eyes. An amused laugh escaping your mouth as you run further and further away from the building and into a forest. "Oh my god!"

"We're out." Logan smiles at you, still running to get away from the soldiers following you.

Your feet finally give out, your body exhausted as you trip over a thick tree root. Your face being saved from hitting the floor thanks to two pale hands wrapping around your waist.

"It's okay, I've got you." Logan steps back as soon as you stare up at him.

"Thank you." You try to smile. "For everything. For being he-here and helping me out." Tears clouding your vision as everything you've been through hits you.

The forest is silent as your mind finally wanders over everything you've experienced this week. From every test to every punch. Every cut. Every slap. Each phrase. But the one that keeps echoing endlessly in your head is the word: Rewritten.

Memory of how you pleaded for mercy.
To please stop. To not touch you. For it to finish quickly. That you would do anything to make sure it didn't happen again.

"I was tortured." You sob, hands digging into the dirt. "I was raped." You lift your face, meeting Logan's hurt eyes through your teary ones. "Oh my god—" Being interrupted by a gag that ends in you throwing up.

Fading Through MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now