8| Nightmares and Daydreams

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Yet again, I'm stomping down the hallway, irritated and pissed off.

Who the fuck did they think they were? Just a bunch of old rich dudes. They're not even liked. Envisioning ways to kill Soran. I can't just tell the people he had a hand in my mother's death. I had to prove it.

"Has anyone ever told you, you're hot when you're mad?" an amused voice spoke into my ear. Startling me to death and snapping me out of my thoughts. I spun around. My hiss fills the hallway. Of course, it was Eli. I rolled my eyes. Why was he still here?

"Tsk, and to think once upon a time you were a revered warrior." He paused for a dramatic flair, face full of sorrow, but his eyes shone with a playful glint. That gave me the perfect opportunity, too. While he continued mocking me, I shift my one foot back and leaned my body slightly on that foot. Then I sent my hand through the air, connecting it just above Eli's eyebrow.

He looked at me with a shocked expression. His eyes grew dark, the playful glint still apparent.

Ah. Shit. I turn and start running to my room's door. I hear him rumble, his wolf happy to pursue.

"Run as far as you want. I'll always catch you." A chill rolled down my spine. Not sure if fear or desire caused it. Either way, I picked up my speed, pushing myself further. If I can reach my door, I might have a fighting chance.

Bookcases and old portraits blur by me. I can see my corridor. Pressing on, but I know it's all in vain. I feel Eli's breath on the nape of my neck all too soon. Strong arms wrap around me.


I'm being thrown over his shoulder. At the other end of the hallway, I can see Theo's head. I glared at him, his eyes grew wide and he quickly ducks back. I hear him scurry off.

Now I have to just stare at the walls and windows. Through the window outside my room, I see Eli's men shoving Soran into one of their covered carts. That's how he snuck up on me.

Grumpy, I lost, but if I'm honest, I'm impressed I snuck him. Normally he catches me.

I'm still smirking when Eli throws me, rather roughly if I might add, onto my bed. He towered over me, dark eyes staring straight into my soul. I've been around Eli long enough to know that the blacker his eyes were, the more in control his wolf was.

His wolf was the most powerful in the land. We'll talk about that later.

I squirmed and did my darndest to crawl back off the bed, but my silk robe made it difficult, if not impossible. Eli grabbed hold of one of my ankles. His grasp was firm, but not hurtful. With one powerful tug, he drags me back to him. His eyes hungrily ate up the view in front of him.

"Oh no, you can't run now," he whispers, his voice thick.

My heart pounded in my throat. I knew I was in a compromising position. My robe was now around my hips from being dragged towards him. I had better distract him, or I wasn't expecting to be getting any more sleep today.

"Do you know why the Elders wanted to talk to me?" The old cronies didn't know I had spies among them.

His eyes narrowed at me, but he didn't move. I took that as a clue to carry on.

"They want me to find a mate and produce an heir." They have been on me about this since I took the throne, but now with Yasmin being a bitchface, I just knew they would find some old law to enforce me to. Honestly, I didn't hate it.

My words had the effect I wanted, sort of.

Eli's eyes lightened, but he leaned over, climbing up onto the bed.

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