6| Memories and Betrayal

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"Cordelia?" A man's voice calls out, someone rapids on something and the memory fades away.

"Yes?" I answer half dazed. My head is still in the clouds. My cheeks start to heat up and I avoid making eye contact with Eli.

"You left us for a moment, are you okay?" I realize it's Eldron speaking to me. I nod and smile at him.

"Just reminiscing about the last time we planned a war, that's all," I say. I take turns looking at each king. Eli had settled, his hands were no longer fists and laying on the table. Eldron was cool as always. Nothing ever seems to faze him.

Sounds of feet shuffling across the floor flowed into the room and interrupting the conversation I didn't want to have. Gods, Melinda please hurry. My thoughts, once again, turn to my bathtub and a hot soak. I needed today to be over already. Bratty little sisters, and coy underhanded faes aside I still have to speak to the Elders. 

I wanted to groan and bash my head against the table but 'but that isn't how a Queen acts.' I wish I could tell them where to stick it just once. The Elders can wait until tomorrow.

Melinda stood at the door, waiting for orders. Everyone was staring at me again. If I had known people would stare at me this much I would have never become the queen.

"Will you take King Eldron and Alpha Eli to their guest chambers and make sure they're taken care of?" I ask my voice heavy with exhaustion. 

I guess having those rooms always prepared wasn't a bad idea, after all. I muse to myself, recalling how upset Soran was about 'waste of servants time'. I would be sure to mention this the next time I saw him.

Melinda continued to wait at the door, her eyes lost that mother's touch, and fear danced in its place. My people are still uneasy around the fae folk. Silas' abuse continues to be a steep mountain we all were struggling to climb off of.

I stood and offered a gracious smile to Melinda and then at Eldron. Almost willing Melinda to trust him, at least for this moment.

"I am glad to see you Eldron, it has been too long," I say with sincerity. The fae has never done wrong by me. Some still distrust me. Even those few respected me.

The kings took my cue and stood up too. Eldron looks like he might blush, is eyes shining bright and a coy smile resting on his face. I didn't need to look at Eli to know his rage was brewing again, I could feel the growing heat emanating from him.

Flashing both of them a gracious smile that showed some teeth, I glided out of the room. Knowing Melinda would hold them up for a few moments. The Elder's have a rule that no outsiders can know where I sleep. I made my way down the corridor and around the corner. Where the blue bookcase stood out like a sore thumb, the rest in the hall were gray. My fingers slide across the bindings of the books until I felt the one that had the button.

Wood grinding against stone and whirring bolster through the hallway. The bookcase swung open revealing a dark entryway. I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at all the unnecessary precautions. I pulled the bookcase shut behind me as I walked into the eerie corridor.

My eyes needing no time to adjust spotted the small flicker of light in the semi-far distance. My shoes clicking against the stone floor, and my breathing were the only sounds to comforts me.

After Yasmin, I am taking out the Elders. Repeated in my mind as I navigated the clusterfuck of secret tunnels. Convinced I somehow got lost and about ready to start screaming bloody murder. Two sources of light flickering caught my attention. They sat on either side of the door I needed. Marking the Queen's suit loud and clear.

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