7|Be Humble

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I woke to something soft brushing against my lips, followed by the sounds of my door shutting. My bed felt cold now. Letting out a frustrated sigh.

"One day, we won't have to sneak around," I mumble into my pillow. Miserable, and feeling sorry for myself. No one talks about how lonely it is being a figurehead.

"You know we don't have to," he says. Startled, I let out a gasp and sit straight up. My eyes land on Eli standing in my doorway, staring at me. Without another word he slipped out and knowing him he was going to head right home. So he could be in his dining hall by dusk.

Throwing myself back onto my bed. I'll just let Theo wake me up, maybe he will let me sleep in. I am the Queen, after all.

Closing my eyes and snuggling in my bed, enjoying the fleeting scent of Eli. Inhaling deeply and letting myself get closer to sleep with each exhale. I was right on the edge.

Knock, knock.

"Oh, fuck off." I groan as I slid out of my bed. Stumbling to my bathroom, I grab my robe where it had been forgotten, The silk material glides across my skin as I tie the strings securing it around myself.

"Enter." I snap. My bedroom's "main" door opens slowly and Theo cautiously sticks his head in the room. His eyes darting from side to side. I can hear his heart thudding wildly.

"My lady, the Elders are requesting..." he trails off. He swallowed loudly. His heart races. I feel my face contort with anger. It's nothing compared to what I was really feeling.

"At this time?" I demand. Theo withdraws into the hallway. His neck straining to keep his head in my sight.

"Ye-" He starts.

"Wait, what time is it?" I interrupt and he looks away from me. He shifts from one foot to the other. His face pinches as he answers me.

"It's barely noon ma'am." He says in a weak voice. Crimson filled my vision. Okay, cool. I nodded my head.

"Are they in the Throne room or the Room?" I ask in a calm tone. Theo's eyes threaten to fall out of his head.

"The...the Throne." He stammers out. That was all I need to know. So they want to summon me to my own throne in the middle of the night. Sucking my teeth, I start towards Theo. He let out a small yelp. Tripping over himself to get out of my way.

Taking a note out of the Elder's book. I didn't bother with any formalities. I began to stroll down the hallway. Okay, stroll isn't the right word. I was stomping, the sound of my bare feet slapping on the floor fuels me further. Theo sputters and stammers about them as he follows me.

My eyes forward, my jaw clench, I put one foot in front of the other.

I'm done playing nice with these old assholes because some other old assholes wrote rules before any of us were made. Who did they think they were, anyway? I'm the one who stood up to Silas. I'm the one who saved the people. What have they done?

You know what self? Let's go ask them. I storm into my Throne room surprising everyone by slamming open the servant door, and not the door that I'm supposed to use.

"Ah Cor-" One of the old bastards started.

"Nope," I answered. All their heads turn, all their eyes are on me now. Good.

"You don't get to summon me in the middle of the night," I say. So far, so good. I wasn't yelling. I was being firm and confident. Go me.

"You don't call the shots here," I pause for dramatic effect and use that time to lock eyes with each of them.

"I'm not above burning people who stand in my way, it would behoove you to remember that gentlemen." Some of the men had the good grace to look down and put on remorseful looks.

"How dare you talk to us that way?!" Soran starts, putting his best outrage face on.

"Sit down, or you'll be first after Yasmin." I watched my words sink in. Enjoying the fear Soran's eyes held.

With that, I turned on my heel and strode out the room. But not before I saw the horrified looks on their faces. A smile spread effortlessly onto my face. My head held high and not a peep was made from them. The lure of my bed was calling me.

An annoying sound fills the hallway once I'm at the corner. I stop and look at the floor, maybe it was a bug or mouse? I study the stone floor but I see nothing. I look at the walls next. The noise is coming from behind me, and it's someone screeching. But it's not words they are screeching.

Taking a deep breath and letting out a big sigh, letting my shoulders drop. I turn around. Not really prepared to deal with anything else, and more than a little disappointed I'm still not in bed. I stare at the doorway I just came from.

Not understanding why the door was making that noise. The door burst open and slams into the wall. 

All I see is the flailing of limbs and stupid cloaks flapping as people blur by. Then a form I recognize fills the doorway and he's dragging something.

Oh, that something is a someone.

Ah, shit.

Of course, it's Eli. My heart flutters as it falls out of my butt. War begins to wage inside me; hormones, mushy feelings, and the general dumbassery feelings on one side. Despair, concern, and narcissism on the other. I was freaking out and I bet I had a stupid look on my face. I just know I do, my chin is touching my neck, my nostrils are flaring. My eyebrows are touching and I'm giving I hate you but please get in my bed eyes. I hate myself but I hate him more because I see who he has.


 It's bad enough I just shut them down, now Eli's got him by the nape of his neck. Eli threw Soran on the ground in between us. Then grips him and twists him to kneel in front of me and look at me.

"Tell the Queen what you said," he growls out in a deadly whisper. Chills run down my spine and I want to take a step back. Steeling myself I lock eyes with Eli. Nothing but loyalty met me. I look at Soran, expecting.

A growing silence fills the hallway. I know there are ears everywhere and they all want in on the show. I also know Eli doesn't care about our laws or gossip.

"Tell. Her." he snarls. Eli steps forward and looms over Soran.

"Or what?" Soran demanded, provoking Eli. Oh, he shouldn't do that.

"What are you going to do, lapdog," he says, sealing his fate. There was a silent moment in the hallway, Soran kneeling on the ground a smirk on his face.

Smug in his arrogance. Eli was staring at me, asking permission. Soran's eyes follow Eli's and they both watch as I nod.

Now it was my turn to smirk as Soran's face fell. Then to my delight, Soran was watching me and didn't see Eli's fist until it was connecting with his face. The force knocked him onto his back on the ground.

"You see, Soran," I start towards him.

"I no longer care about you or your rules." I lean over him.

"This is my kingdom, and my lapdog will take you and keep you until I'm done with Yasmin." The terror that shines through his eyes, fills my soul with joy. That's for pushing Silas into madness. I lean in close to his face.

"You'll burn for what you did to my mother," I whisper to him. I stand up and nod at Eli again. With that, the men left the hallway one was screaming and one was laughing.

I was heading back to my bed.  

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