2| My Threat

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My eyebrow pinched together and I give Eli my best "what the fuck" face. He simply shrugs his shoulders. 

Of course, it was Yasmin. Ever since I became the Ash Queen she has been maneuvering to get the crown. Insecure little sisters and all that.

If Yasmin was trying to make me feel threatened, she was failing. There has always been bad blood between the two of us. Yasmin took our father's death especially hard, vowing to make me pay for murdering him.

Oh, big scary.

Someone had to do it, it might as well have been me.

Enslaving werewolves for labor and human hunting. Not to mention almost wiping out most of the fae is wrong. Least to speak of the horrors our human town's people went through. Being feeding cattle was their smallest concern. Doing such things because you can, is vile. My father's evil didn't just exist outside the castle. When I finally stood up for myself and by extension everyone, my father exiled me.

That was my father's worst mistake. He handed me Eli, who helped me obtain my throne.

Okay, sure I may have been dramatic, in the whole burning him in his throne in front of everyone. I'm merely saying someone had to do it.

It took me a long time to earn my people's love. First I had to return their spirits, then their happiness. It took trust, kindness and unwavering love on my part.

I cherish it and them. That's why I spend days in both the court and in this room. To protect and serve them.

Over my dead body will I let my unbalanced daddy's girl of a sister take this away from me.

Eli blanched at the sight of the Elders. It wasn't lost to either of us that the feeling was mutual. Their aged faces held no emotion as they found their seats and stared at Eli. Knowing he was an unwelcome sight, he gives them a bright smile. I've always admired his bold personality.

But now was not the time for such moves. The Elders and I have a strenuous relationship as of late. Mathias, Aamon, Nelo, and Zane prefer me to my father, mainly because I listen. Tallon, Elwin, and Soran agreed with my father, some even goaded him on.

Soran especially, being my father's advisor. I piss him off on a regular. The first thing I did when I got my crown was to promote Mathias to the role of advisor.

Mathias is the oldest in this domain, but he never lost his humanity. He was one of the first blooded vampires. Zane and Nelo are his blooded children. Soran thinks it's unfair to have them all be Elders. In other words, he whines because he's usually voted against.

Rules are rules though. I wasn't the one who decided to sustain these ancient ways. Seeing as I abhor them. If I could I would break away from these customs. But, our culture gives that power only to a king.

I'm one of the first Queens in our history. It was highly speculated that I was the first. Yay, me. Our culture was very clear on the matter. One of the reasons I have to do everything the Elders want. I'm more or less a figurehead now.

"Yasmin's found a mate?" Soran says. Of course, he would be the first one to speak. My barely beating heart flutters. My mind jumps on the crazy train, trying to predict what he is going to say.

Eli makes an affirmative sound. I want to strangle him. Why did you come here you stupid, brave man I chastise him in my head.

"That means the only way to secure your crown..." Soran's implications are not as vague as he thought they were.

"Is to find a mate as well." Silence ensues, the air goes heavy. Awkward would be an understatement. Eli's eyes won't leave my face. He isn't the only one staring either. Theodore is still standing in the doorway. Why the hell is he even here?

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