✿ - Panic Attack (Mysta Rias)

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A/N - this might be a bit of a shorter chapter because i had no idea what to write and also i have a request im trying to write rn so please bear with me lol

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A/N - this might be a bit of a shorter chapter because i had no idea what to write and also i have a request im trying to write rn so please bear with me lol

ALSO TYSM FOR 500 READS HOLY SHIT WE ARE HALF WAY TO 1K THATS INSANE!! I hope you all will keep reading even though my writing is awful lol 

{This chapter contains:} soft Mysta, mentions of panic attacks, scratching, blood,

Y/n goes by they/them pronouns in this story!! :>


Y/n sat in their bedroom waiting for Mysta to come home so they could tell him what had happened today. Unfortunately he was super late which made y/n a bit stressed. They could feel themself getting dizzy as they reached for the desk they were sitting at. 

Y/n looked up at the time on their computer. Mysta had been gone for two hours more than he had promised.

They started scratching at their thighs. It wasn't a healthy habit for y/n and Mysta was constantly trying to help them stop doing it. 

Y/n lost trach of time as they itched at their now burning thighs. A drop of blood trickled down their leg but they didn't notice.

Suddenly the door slammed open and the cheerful Mysta walked in with a smile. They could see Mysta enter the house from her room since they had their door open. Y/n gave a slight smile when they saw that he was happy.

Mysta then headed toward y/n's room. They quickly fumbled with their sweater to pull it over their knees, hoping Mysta wouldn't notice the blood.

"Heyyyyy, sorry I'm late y/n..." Mysta said awkwardly. Y/n didn't know what to say so they just gave a half assed smile. Mysta felt a bit off about they way y/n smiled.

"Did you miss me~" The boy teased as he hugged y/n from behind. Y/n stayed silent. Mysta let go of y/n and tilted his head in confusion.

"Um.." Mysta stuttered. "Are you.. alright?" he asked. He kneeled beside the chair and looked at y/n. They nodded. 

"Yeah! Everything's fine! I'm just tired.."

"Oh alright then. You just seemed sad." Mysta said as he waved his hand back and fourth as he gave an awkward laugh. "Ah right. I brought home dinner. Come on!" He grabbed y/n's hand and ushered them to get up.

"Oh that's alright.. I'm not really hungry." Y/n said with a fake smile. This made Mysta doubt y/n. He pouted as he thought of a scheme to make y/n come out of their room.

"Hmm could you come sit with me then?" Y/n bit their lip before nodding and standing up. Mysta walked to the kitchen as y/n followed. 

Once Mysta got his food, the two sat down on the couch. Y/n quickly pulled their sweater over their knees again. They sit there hugging their knees as they watch Mysta eat his dinner. 

Suddenly more bloody drips down y/n's leg, making them shudder. Mysta looks over and almost chokes on his food.

"Y/N! What happened!?" He whisper-yelled. Y/n stared at him with their eyes widened. "Were you scratching at your legs again?" Y/n bit their lip and turned away. Mysta turned y/n's face to look at him. He raised an eyebrow. Y/n slowly nodded, never making eye contact with the boy.

"Please tell me what happened, y/n" Mysta asked in a sort of shaky tone. 

(Y/n explains what happened today)

Mysta was panicking for y/n at this point. When he knew y/n was finished talking he started apologizing repeatedly and hugged y/n, careful not to hurt their legs more.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come home sooner y/n." He said, still embarrassed he didn't notice that his own partner wasn't okay. 

"C-can I get you some snacks?" Y/n slightly frowned and shook their head. "Mmmm I'm so sorry I didn't realize you weren't okay love." Mysta said sulking. 

"i-its okay.." y/n mumbled. 

"Here." Mysta said quickly. Y/n didn't have time to react before Mysta hugged y/n again and started kissing their face several times. Y/n giggled as they tried to push him away. "Mysta! Get off of me" Y/n said between laughs.

"See, now you're happy again!" Mysta said in triumph. "It's because I'm a pro at this." Y/n giggled at Mystas' comment. The two of them laughed together for a minute or two. Then it got silent and awkward of course. :/ 

Mysta finally broke the silence as he always does. Y/n really liked that Mysta was talkative. They liked the fact that they didn't have to feel the pressure of saying something in an awkward moment because Mysta always had instead.

"Oh I almost forgot," Mysta spoke up. "I have something for you so stay there." He said as he ran off into his room. Y/n could hear him rustling through his stuff to find whatever it was he needed to give to Y/n. When Mysta returned, he was carrying a huge [favorite animal] Squishmallow. 

(Yes i love Squishmallows too)

Y/n gasped and clapped their hands in excitement. It was such a cute Squishmallow. Mysta tossed the plushie over to Y/n and smiled as he sat down next to them. 

"Mystaaa~ thank you~" Y/n said. "Its so cuteeeee!!" Y/n squeezed the plushie as they giggled like a child. Then y/n put the Squishmallow down and hugged Mysta again. 

"I knew you'd like this one!" Mysta exclaimed. "I'm so smart, aren't I hmm?" The two of them laughed. "Yes yes, very smart~" Y/n teased Mysta.

Mysta cupped Y/n's cheeks and planted a small kiss on their nose. Then he fake bit their nose and laughed. "Haha I ate your nose off dumby" Mysta joked. Y/n gasped and pretended to pass out. "Oh no! My dear nose is gone! How could you?" 

The two of them joked around for a while. Then suddenly y/n burst out into tears again. They hugged Mysta and buried their face in the crevice of his neck. Mysta started panicking of course. He didn't know why Y/n was crying again or what to do about it. 

"Y-y/n? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong!?" He began hugging them and trying to comfort them but it only seemed to make things worse. 

Mysta kissed y/n's forehead as he lifted them away from himself. "Please tell me what's the matter." Mysta insisted. Y/n smiled at him. Mysta was so confused.

"Mystaaaaa" Y/n cried. "I wuv youuuuu" They sobbed. 

Mysta laughed at y/n's sudden statement. "Then why are you crying, dear?" 

"Becawz *hic* you're so nice to meeee *hic*" Y/n hiccuped occasionally in between words.

Mysta laughed even more. "aaAaaA why are you laughing *hic* at meeee?" Y/n cried. "Because you sound like a drunk baby." Mysta replied. Y/n started laughing as well as they tried to stop crying. Their emotions seemed like a jumbled mess as y/n laughed and cried at the same time.

After a while, Y/n finally calmed down. They were hugging Mysta while he played with their hair. 

"Hey y/n?" Mysta asked. "Do you wanna lay down and cuddle?" Y/n nodded. They then pounced onto Mysta and hugged him super tight. They both laughed. Then the two of them talked for a while as they watched a movie on the couch. 

Mysta noticed y/n was on the verge of falling asleep and he smiled.

"One more thing y/n," he whispered in their ear. "I love you too <3"

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