Audaron Prep

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Indira's pov

I'm standing in front of the school with Fairy godmother, Ben and Audrey (ughh)

Don't get me wrong I love my friend Ben dearly but it's his girlfriend Audrey aka the daughter of sleeping beauty that I don't like.

She's too stuck up which gets on my nerves

Indira's outfit but the skirt is white and purple representing her parents↓↓↓

Indira's outfit but the skirt is white and purple representing her parents↓↓↓

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Ben looks over at me with a smile saying

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Ben looks over at me with a smile saying

"You excited?"

I smiled saying

"Yep I'm excited"

Audrey scoffed rolling her eyes saying

"I don't why. We have criminals coming to Audaron. Anything could happen like what if they hurt us? What if they have a plan? What if--"

I groaned saying

"Can you please shut up?! uyakruquka kwaye uyacaphuka"

Translation : you're so snobby and annoying

Bare with me guys, I'm using google translation for Xhosa language

Ben laughed at my comment.

Ben knew what I said because I taught him some Xhosa language when we was little.

Audrey looks at me upset saying
"What did you just say?"

I looked at her and say

"I said that you're so snobby and annoying"

Audrey scoffs rolling her eyes and said

"I'm not snobby. For the record, I'm a real princess of royal blood. Do you have a royal status? No I don't think so"

I looked at her with a 'are you serious' look and said

"I don't have a royal status? Have you forgot that me and my brother are the daughter and son of Ororo Munroe and T'Challa Udaku, King and Queen of Wakanda. Me and my brother Azari are the Princess and the prince and the next heirs to the throne"

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