The Musuem

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Third Pov

Evie looks around in awe as she say

"Wow. This place is so amaz..."

Mal interrupt her saying


Evie looks at her saying

"I know, right? Amazingly gross."

Mal groans upset saying

"Ew. Ugh! I'm going to need some serious sunscreen." pointing to the windows

Evie closes all the curtains in the room as Mal says

"E. Whew! That is much better. Now let's go check on the boys"

They left their room and headed to the boys room.

When they get to the boys room and walked in, they saw Jay stealing and Carlos playing video games.

Carlos says

"Whoo! Whoa! Ah! Whoa!" As he plays the game

Mal looks at Jay saying

"Jay, what are you doing?"

Jay looks at her saying

"It's called stealing"

Mal looks at him saying

"Okay, what's the point?"

Jay says

"Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free."

Mal looks at him saying

"Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world."

Evie looks at Mal saying

"You sound like your mother"

Mal smirks saying

"Thank you"

Jay looks at her saying

"You do it your way and I'll do it mine."

Carlos playing video games say

"Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome."

Mal looks at them upset saying

"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

Jay says in monotone not caring voice

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah"

Mal looks at them saying

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?"

The three agrees saying


Mal looks at Evie saying

"Evie, mirror me"

Evie pulls out her magic mirror and say

"Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand"

The mirror shows where the wand was at as Mal says

"There it is"

Carlos looked at the mirror saying

"Zoom out"

The mirror zoomed out as Evie say

"Magic mirror, not so close. Closer. Closer. Closer"

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