Did I Mention

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After I got dressed, I headed to the field where my team and friends was waiting for me.

Auradon's prep dance outfit↓↓↓

Auradon's prep dance outfit↓↓↓

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I walked up to them saying

"Hey guys"

Lyra looks at me with a smile saying

"Hey girl. Where were you earlier? like you wasn't in the courtyard for lunch"

I looked at her saying

"Oh I was in the music room you know writing songs and stuff" lying

Akira shook her head saying

"Oh. Well we can't wait to hear them then"

Then I see Jay standing next to Ben in his uniform talking to him so I smiled pretending to be of course affected by the love spell screaming

"Woo! Go Jay! Woo!" Blowing him kisses

Jay looks at me and smile as he continue talking to Ben.

My friends looked confused as Akira says

"Are we're missing something here?" Referring to me and Jay

I looked to make sure Jay wasn't looking before I whispered saying

"I'll tell you guys later. Trust me you're going to be upset. But let's focus on warm ups"

We warmed up for our dance routine as the game started.

The game was going great so far. Everyone was cheering loudly. The cheerleaders was cheering.

I stood on the sidelines cheering for Jay

"Go Jay! Woo!"

Then both teams called for a break as the announcer says

"Ok folks, we have a special performance for you guys. Make some noise for Auradon's dance team!!"

Everyone cheered as we walked out onto the field and got into postion in the center of the field.

Then the music started playing as we started dancing and did our dance routine.

Here's all the dances that was in routine↓↓↓

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