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Third Pov

~~~On the Isle~~~~

Snow White on the says

"At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all."

Evil Queen shakes her head upset as she say

""I'm snow white." Who are you kidding? She's definitely had work done."

The tv shows Fairy Godmother and the wand as Snow White says

"Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair? And there is Fairy Godmother's wand."

Maleficent looks at the tv saying

"I want that wand!"

Cruella looks at Maleficent saying

"Do you? Hadn't heard."

Then Snow White say

"Oh, and here comes Ben now."

~~~On Auradon~~~

Ben was sitting in the royal carriage with Mal who looked nervous which he notices and say

"Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there." grabbing her hand

Mal looks at him saying

"Thank you"

Then Ben looks at Mal saying

"Mal, would you wear my ring?" Showing his ring in his hand to her.

Mal looks at the ring as she say

"Um... not now. I think it would probably just fall right off of me. I have something for you."

Ben looks at her with a smile saying

"For me?"

Mal smiles saying

"Yeah. It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy."

Ben smiles as he pulls out a cupcake that was in the box saying

"Always thinking. But I can't wait." As he ate the cupcake.

Mal looks at him in shock saying


Ben ate the cupcake as he say

"Mm. Mm... Mm! This is really good."

Mal looks at him saying

"Uh, do you..."

Ben looks at her confused saying


Mal says

"Do you feel okay?"

Ben smiles saying

"You bet"

Mal looks at him and say

"Would you say that you're still in... that... that you have very strong feelings for me?"

Ben shrugged his shoulders saying

"I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect."

Mal says

"Yeah. Okay"

Mal looks at him confused saying

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