Getting Asked out

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~~~~~Next Day ,Chemistry Lab~~~~

Indira's outfit↓↓↓

Me, Evie and Doug was sitting at the table as Evie was looking in her purse for something

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Me, Evie and Doug was sitting at the table as Evie was looking in her purse for something.

Then Mr. Peley looks at Evie and say

"Looking for something?"

Evie looks at Mr. Peley who was a mirror which I guess it belongs to her.

Then Mr. Peley looks at Chad who had a smirk on his face saying

"Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

I glared at him as I realized he set Evie up, Chad noticed me glaring at him as I mouthed " watch your back" making my eyes glow.

Chad smirk dropped as Evie tries to explain herself saying

"Mr. Deley, I..."

Doug looks at Mr. Peley saying

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is."

Evie looks at him saying

"It's called a magic mir..."

Doug interrupts her saying

"You're not helping. Stop. Maybe she needed another pencil."

Evie says

"Actually, I was..."

Doug interrupts her again saying

"Really, don't help. *looks at Mr. Peley* Please."

Evie says


Mr. Peley looks at Evie and say

"Well, If you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop." Wallking off.

Chad looked at Doug disappointed as I smirked at his face.

I looked at Evie with a smile saying

"Don't worry Evie. You're in good hands. Doug will help you so you can pass and plus you guys get some alone time to get to know each other. I see the way you guys look at each other"

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