1 - Haileys mistake

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Haileys Pov

It was a normal day at school, and the time flew by faster then I could say the word music. It was already time for rehearsals, and as normal, I was the first one there. I usually come 10 minutes early to have some alone time, so I sit down with my back against the wall and listen to music.

Music is like an escape. You can just forget about everything and enjoy yourself. Which is why I love it so much. I was too busy listening to my favourite song, Heather by Conan Grey to notice the door notice that the door knob to the music room had turned.
"Hey Zand-" I started, before looking up to the door and seeing non other then ourmlesd singer, Jake Sterling looking down at me from the doorway. I could feel a small blush creep on my face, simply just by being in the same room as him. Why am I like this? :,)

If you couldn't tell, I had a huge crush on Jake. I mean, who wouldn't? He's tall, handsome, charming, strong, flirtatious, kind, and a great singer!

"Whoa. Jake your early for once!" I exclaim. Usually Jake was late because he was talking to his little group of his. But recently, he had unfriended them, as they manipulated him into saying some terrible things about the club behind our back.

"Yea yea I know I'm early. The band competition is on Friday so I wanted to try harder to get here on time!" Jake said, grinning at me.
"Well you came five minutes early." I say. "The others are gonna arrive any minute."
"What were you listening to?" Jake asks.
"Oh! Just Heather. I mainly like the song because I can somewhat relate to it, but it is also a really good song!" I blurt out, not realising what I was saying. Until, I cover my mouth with my hand. God I'm an idiot! How am I ment to get out of this one?! He can't know that I'm secretly swooning over him and that I'm heartbroken whenever he mentioned his crush on Daisy?!

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH?!" He shouts. I stay silent as the blush on my face turns a bit brighter. I didn't know what to say. I can feel Jake's eyes on me, which makes my face turn an even deeper shade on red. I turn my head in shock when I see he's placed a hand on my thigh. Why?! That's not a normal thing friends would do?!
"May I know who it is princess?" Jake says lightly. He has a tone in his voice that sounded like he didn't want to push me to tell him, but he was just curious.
"You..." I mumble, so quietly he wasn't even able to hear me.
"Hmm?" He responds. I sigh. It's now or never I suppose.
"Oh my God Jake. I like y-" I begin, before the door swings open, and Zander walks in, hand in hand with Luke, making Jake and I jump in suprise. Jake swiftly takes his hand of my thigh, as we both stand up.

"Whoa the simp is early today!" Zander exclaims, making Luke and I quietly laugh in response. "Haha. Very funny, grape lord." Jake responds. While those two where bickering, I walk over to Luke, Milly and Sean, to greet the guitarist and producer that had just arrived.
"Hey Hails!" Milly says.
"Hi." I mumble.
"You good Hailey?" Sean asks.

Sean has always been the type to always put others first, and care for them, meanwhile, Milly would beat you up if you make an attempt to steal even the smallest things from her. I mean, one time at a club sleepover, we all got McDonalds, and Zander tryed to grab Millys food as a joke, and she started full on screaming at him. If it weren't for Sean, Zander wouldn't be alive today.

"Yep! Fine! Heh." I say, smiling at them. I don't want them to know about my disappointment from what just happened with Jake. I mean, I seriously was just about to tell him that I liked him! Except, maybe it's for the better? He might of rejected me anyways so.

"Hm. Alrighty then club pres" Milly mockingly says, making me and Sean giggle at the comment. It's always kinda funny when they call me club pres. I don't know why.

"Well should we start practising?" I hear the familiar voice of my step brother behind my say.
"Oh yea! Let's start!" I exclaim

~~~~~~~~~~~ (squiggles mean time skip <3)

When I got home, I instantly flopped on my bed. I'm an idiot. He knows I have a crush on someone now. I decided to maybe write a song to get my mind of things. I mean, we're all pretty stressed with the band competition in 3 days.

(Hey yall. Just saying, I did not make the next song. I will be using Heart Attack by Demi Lovato.)

I already had an idea on a song I've been wanting to write for a while. So I got to work.


The lyrics where already good, but I felt like it needed something at the end.

The feeling I've lost I my lungs
Their burning I'd rather be numb
And theirs no one else to blame
So scared I take of and run
I'm flying to close to the sun
And I burst in to

As I was singing, I was thinking of things I could add to make this sound 10x better. Then it hit me.


I sang the last word of the line as high as I could go. I didn't even know I could sing that high. I cover my mouth in shock, (Litterally everyone that gets the high note) before continuing to sing the lines

You make be glow
But I cover up won't let it show
So I'm putting my defences up
Cuz I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I'd think I'd have a heart ATTACK~

I used the same thing I did with the last but of the song that I sang, but a tiny bit lower. I sounded good before, so why not do it again?

I jumped what felt like 10ft in the air when I heard knocking on my door. I walk over to the door knob, with knees that felt like jelly, and twisted the knob carefully. I was expecting to see Zander, or anyone in my family, or even Luke, but I saw...

"Heya Hailey" Sean says. It was Sean!
"Oh hi Sean!" I say cheerfully. "Why are you here?"
"I was here to make music with Bethany, but I came at a bad time. She's having a sleepover at a friend named Pipers house." He replys. (PIPER IS AN INSPIRED CHARACTER. I CANT FIND THE FANFIC THAT SHE WAS ORIGINALLY IN)
"But your singing just then was amazing! I've never heard you sing that high!"
"O-oh you heard that?" I stammer
"YES of course I did! I was wondering if you'd like to make like, a backing track to it or somthing?" Sean suggests
"Oh sure! Sounds like fun!" I reply. As soon as I agreed, we instantly got to work creating the song.


Hi peeps, what's crack-a-lackin? So how'd yall enjoy the first chapter? I'm gonna post chapter 2 next week, from Jake's POV! Love yall <3

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