2- A confused Jake

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Jake's Pov

I walked home from school, as I usually do. Looking at the ground, my mind wanders back to Hailey. Who could she possibly like? Wait. Why do I care? She can like whoever she wants. I like Daisy. Right?

I take a step into my house, and bend down to pet my dog, Oreo, (Ya know Jake's dog on his phone wallpaper?) before looking over at my sister Piper, buzzing around with excitement. Most people don't know I have a sister, but suprise! I do!

(OK I find the fanfic Pipers inspired by :) it's called Why Her?)

"What are you so excited for?" I say, sitting down on one knee so I am only a bit smaller then my sister.
"I'm having my first ever sleepover today!" Piper exclaims.
"Oh wow! With who?" I ask.
"My best friend Bethany!" She responds proudly.
"Well you better clean your room Pip. That things a pig sty. I'm sure Bethany wouldn't like to see that."
"Uhhhg finee." And with that, Piper runs up the stairs to her room.

Walking to the kitchen to grab a snack, I greet my Mom sitting at the kitchen island.
"Hey Mom." I say.
"Oh hey bud!" Mom replys. I grab a cookie and walk off to my room. Sitting at my desk, I put on my headphones, before going on Spotify and listening to my playlist. I enjoy listening to music. You just get lost in your own world and...

I heard giggles and bickering coming from downstairs, and just assumed that that was Bethany. Until I heard a familiar male voice from downstairs. It was my younger brother, Milo. Milo is your average 12 year old boy. Messy hair, (yes messier then mine :/) and obsessed with games. I tip toe downstairs. Yes I suppose it's eavesdropping, but it's my duty as the oldest child, to "check in" with the others.

"Piper, you are the biggest baby ever." I hear Milo say.
"AM not!" Piper replys, before blowing raspberries at Milo. I step into view.

I see the 12 year old, fluffy blonde haired boy, fighting with the two 7 year old girls. One of them being the familiar blonde haired, short girl I know, both of the siblings oak eyes angrily glaring at eachother. And... wait. I know the other girl too. I look down to see the deep lavender haired, black eyed little girl that is Bethany Wickham.

"Oh hi Bethany!" I greet her.
"Hi! I remember you! Your Haileys boyfriend!" Bethany says cheerfully. I felt my face warm up.
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!" I hear my two sibling shout.
"N-NO! Of course not! Me and Hailey are just friends!!" I respond quickly. For some reason it felt so wrong saying that. I don't know why? I like Daisy.
"Oh! I thought you guys were dating. Eh. Hailey talks alot about you! One time she even admitted that she li-" Bethany begain, before she got cut off my someone coming through the door.

"Hey kids!" My dad says cheerfully, as always.
"Hey dad!" We all reply, well except for Bethany. I turned to Milo and said,
"Soooooo... you up for super smash bros?"
"OH YOUR ON!" Milo shouts. We set up the Nintendo Switch and play for an hour or so.


I was sitting on my bed, before somthing pushes my door open. Looking over at my door, I see the familiar black and white dog walk through my door and jump on my bed. Oreo is a big dog, but that doesn't stop him (idk Oreos gender :() from jumping on furniture and acting like a smaller dog.

"Hey buddy!" I say cheerfully, while scratching Oreo behind his ear. I was happily playing with my dog, until I suddenly got a message.

One unread message from 🎵Hailey🎵

🎵Hailey🎵: Hey Jake
🎤Jake🎤: Heya Princess!
🎵Hailey🎵: How many times do I have to to not call me that 🙄
🎤Jake🎤: M'Kay then :,)
🎤Jake🎤: So what's up?
🎵Hailey🎵: So, uhm. About my crush.
🎤Jake🎤: Oh yea. What abt them?
🎵Hailey🎵: Just. Please don't tell anyone I have one.
🎤Jake🎤: My lips are sealed 🤐
🎵Hailey🎵: Whatever dork 😃👍

Putting my phone down, I sigh, before going Back to scratching Oreo. Except I had a weird thought to mess with Hailey. So I pick up my phone again, and simply text Hailey,

🎤Jake🎤: Love you 😘

I got a bunch of notifications, but I just ignored them, stifling a laugh.

Great way to end the chapter innit 😎

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