7- The band Competition

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We're back again! Let's goooooo >:] Enjoy!

THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN. We were having such a nice, romantic moment, and we kissed. AGAIN. FOR THE THIRD TIME.

I timidly walk into Zanders room, now wearing my dress, and hair and face done.
"Oh finally! So can we go yet?" Milly moans, exaggerating.
"Sure. We need to get there an hour or so early anyway, so we should head out now." Zander says.

All of us stand up and began walking out the door. Going down the stairs, my Step-Mom greets us.
"Oh are you guys ready to head to the band competition now?" She says.
"Hell yea! I'm so pumped!" Milly shouts.
"Well then you better keep that energy! Cmon let's get into the cars."


We had to take 2 cars, Dad driving one, and Mom driving the other. It Mom's car, we have Sean, Bethany, and Milly. In Dad's, we have Me, Jake, Luke and Zander.

Jake slips his hand onto my thigh, as Luke and Zander have a conversation, Zander attempting to face Luke from the front seat. My face turns red and I turn and look out the window.

I hear a soft chuckle coming from next to me, and I look back to face the oak eyed boy.
"What?" I ask him.
"Nothing. Your just adorable." Jake says, winking at me. I reach my arm across my body and grab his free hand.

I sigh. Why am I like this? We aren't even dating. But maybe... soon we can be. I like him a lot, and I have a feeling he might like me back, but we all know what always happens if I get my hopes up.

"Ok we're here!" Mom announces. Jake pulls his hand away from mine and lifts the other off my thigh. We all hop out of the car and walk over to the others.


"Welcome everyone to Rosemeadow hall! Tonight, we are all here to watch all of these schools, compete! All for the purpose to find which school will come out victorious, and take home the trophy at the end of the night!"

A voice came out of the speakers and echoed through the hall. We were waiting backstage for out turn to preform. Every band that's called makes me feel more nervous. Every time a band performs they sound better than us. Every time a band comes off the stage, I feel like they're staring at me, thinking that we're pathetic.

"Good job to ______ high! That was a show stopping performance. Now, please welcome to the stage, Rosemeadow High!"

My stomach did a flip. It was already our turn? I follow the rest of our band onto the stage, and everyone gets into position. Jake and I are up front, with Milly, Luke, Zander and Sean lined up behind us.

Everyone was looking at us.

I was ment to sing the opening note, but I couldn't.

I was frozen...

HEY THERE. Sorry for the Cliffhanger :,) Did you enjoy? I hope you did! ^-^ ITS a bit short this time, but I hope you don't mind that

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