4- And it all went to chaos...

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Jakes Pov

Haileys screams filled her bedroom.
"Chill Hailey. It's just a Creeper." I reassure her.
"Yea I know, but it almost blew up our house!" Hailey says.
"Whatever princess." (Yall they're playing minecraft if you can't tell ;-;)

We continue to play for an hour or so, finally making some progress. I found some diamonds, and Hailey probably killed the entire chicken population.

"So Jake?" Hailey starts
"Yea?" I reply.
"Are you gonna stay the night? It's already 7:00."
"Oh. Yea I suppose I could stay. I'll text my Mom just to let her know."


It was now midnight, and Hailey was asleep. We were laying here for a while, and I was pretty thirsty. Except I didn't want to ruin the moment.

Hailey and I were laying in her bed, tucked close to eachother. Her back was up against my stomach, with the back of her head against my chest. I don't know how we managed to get into this position, but it was extremely comfortable. I didn't want to move, but if I wanted that water, I suppose I'll have to just come back in a minute.

I go to move my arm from her waist, but I felt a small, cold hand grab onto my wrist, and pull my arm back into position.

"Hailey? Are you awake?" I mumble.
"Yea." She answers quietly.
"Are you cold? Your hands are like ice."
"Just a bit."
I grab my jacket that was sitting on the end of Haileys bed, and slip her arms through.
"Jake you don't need to-" Hailey starts, turning around to face me, before I put my thumb on her lips, making her stop talking.

We were both staring into eachothers eyes, and I just noticed how beautiful hers were. A dark charcoal colour, that were sparkling in the moonlight that was shining through the window. I could see a small blush creep on to Haileys face, as I return one back.

Everything happened so quickly. I took my hands off of Haileys waist, and cup one on her cheek. My eyes were staring at her lips. They looked so soft, so, kissable.

Without thinking, my lips crash onto hers, as both of ours move in a perfect symphony. My arms snake around her waist again, and Hailey grabs onto the back of my shirt.

We part away from eachother, breathing slightly loudly. I could feel my face heat, after realising what I just did. I could also see Haileys do the same, but a brighter colour. We both look away.

"I-I'm gonna go to sleep now." Hailey stutters.
"Me too. Good night"


We're now at school, and Hailey and I barely talked after last night. God I ruined everything. There's no point denying it now, but I like Hailey. No not like. Love.

Sighing loudly, I walk to my next class, which is Science. I was going to sit behind Hailey, hoping to maybe sneak glances at her, until she walks over, smiles at me, and SITS NEXT TO ME.

I thought we had a silent agreement that we won't really talk that much until the shock of last night had passed, but apparently not. Why am I panicking? We're friends, she probably forgot about it.

"Hey Jake." Hailey says in a soft tone.
"Hey." I reply. There was an awkward silence after that.


"So about last night-" we both begin, before looking at eachother. I laugh nervously and scratch the back of my neck, and Hailey looks down at her hands that were laying on her thighs, and smile to herself.

"You can talk." I say.
"O-alright. So, can we, maybe not mention it to anyone?" Hailey asks.
"I wasn't planning on telling anyone Princess." I say lightly, smiling to her.
"O-ok" Hailey reply's, looking back up at me. "Thanks Jake."


I was rushing to try to get to the music room, as the band competition is tomorrow, until I hear a voice call from in front of me.

"Oh Jakeee!" Lia calls from a distance.
"Oh- Uh. Hey to you too?" Lia always try's to talk to me still. I could see Drew, Liam, Henry and Zoey I'm the distance, and Liam and Henry wave. To try and be friendly, I wave back.

"I just want to say something to you." Lia says.
I see Hailey walk out of the music room and look over at me.
"Ok but make it quick please. I have to get to rehearsals." I reply. But Lia stays quiet. She was only a bit shorter then me, but she was looking up at me.

My heart sunk. She stood on her tip toes, and kissed me. With Hailey watching. I almost instantly push her away.
"LIA. Why did you do that!" I shout, angry tears forming in my eyes.
"Because I love you Jake!" She reply's.

Everything happened in a flash. Hailey ran of to the girls bathroom, and Drew, Henry and Liam came running over, while Lia walked over to Zoey and high fives her.

"Dude are you ok? You eyes are watering." Liam asks.
"She kissed me. In front of my crush." I reply shakily, clenching my fists.
"Whoa! Who?" Henry asks, before Drew interrupts.
"It's Hailey you idiot. She was the only other girl around other then Lia and Zoey."

Milly and Sean came out of the music room next. They were probably told by Zander to help Hailey find where I was and why I was late.

"Jake what happened?!" Sean says before the two run over to me.
"Lia. She kissed me in front of Hailey and the she ran of the the girls bathroom." I reply.

"Don't worry. I'll go check on her." Milly says, and then runs of to the bathroom.

"Boys." Sean says, looking over at Drew, Henry and Liam.
"Sean." They all respond.
"Why did you guys help him." Sean asks.

"Because. Even if we're not friends, we miss him. It's not the same with him not in our little group." Liam reply's.

"And what reason do we have to not help him? We still want to be friends even if he hates us."
Henry added.

"And we are extremely sorry for what we did. All of us are happy for you to see that your friends with the music club again, and that your happier with them then you were with us. We just want to be friends again. But we understand if you don't take us back."
Drew finished of the boys sentences.

All of us were shocked at Drews apology. It sounded so sincere. I hold out my fist to the other boys. They all look at it confused.

"Are you going to punch us?" Henry asked.

"No it's a fist bump idiot." I respond. They look at me with sparkles in there eyes, before all putting there fists in the middle.

"Bros before h0es." Liam says loudly.
"Liam no." Drew responds, before laughing lightly.

Sup h0es. This person told me to put there name in my fanfic so I'm gonna do it. SHOUT OUT TO M0THER FUGGIN 70sWizardsHo3 AND Local_Shit AND frekggles

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