Chapter 2 The Left Leg of Hell

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A horrible odor filled the air.  Jesus said to me, "In the left leg of hell are many pits.  This tunnel branches off into other parts of hell, but we will spend some time in the left leg first. These things you are about to see will always be with you.  The world must know about the reality of hell.  Many sinners and even some of My people do not believe that hell is real.  You have been chosen by Me to reveal these truths to them.  Everything I will show you about hell and all the other things I will show you are true."

Jesus had shown Himself to me in the form of a bright light, brighter than the sun.  The form of a man was in the center of that light.  Sometimes I saw Jesus as a man, but at other times He was in the form of a spirit.

He spoke again, "Child, when I speak, the Father has spoken.  The Father and I are one.  Remember to love above all else and to forgive one another.  Come now, follow Me."

As we walked, evil spirits fled from the presence of the Lord.  "O God, O God," I cried.  "What is next?"

As I said previously, I had all my senses in hell.  All those in hell have all their senses.  Mine were working now in full force.  Fear was on every side, and inexpressible dangers lurked everywhere.  Each step I took was more horrible than the one before.

There were doorways about the size of small windows, opening and shutting very fast at the top of the tunnel.  Screams filled the air as many evil creatures flew by us, up and out of the gateways of hell.  Soon we were at the end of the tunnel.  I was trembling with fright because of the danger and fear around us.

I was so thankful for the protection of Jesus.  I thank God for His almighty power to protect us, even in the pits of hell.  Even with that protecting shield, I kept thinking, Not my will, Father, but Yours be done.

I looked at my body.  For the first time I noticed that I was in a spirit form, and my form was in the shape of myself.  I wondered what was next.

Jesus and I stepped from the tunnel onto a path with wide swaths of land on each side of it.  There were pits of fire everywhere as far as the eye could see.  The pits were four feet across and three feet deep and shaped like a bowl.  Jesus said, "There are many pits like this in the left leg of hell.  Come, I will show you some of them."

I stood beside Jesus on the path and looked into one of the pits.  Brimstone was embedded in the side of the pit and glowed red like hot coals of fire.  In the center of the pit was a lost soul who had died and gone to hell.  Fire began at the bottom of the pit, swept upward and clothed the lost soul in flames.  In a moment the fire would die down to embers, then with a rushing sound would sweep back over the tormented soul in the pit.

I looked and saw that the lost soul in the pit was caged inside a skeleton form.  "My Lord," I cried at the sight, "Can't you let them out?" How awful was the sight! I thought, This could be me.  I said, "Lord, how sad it is to see and know that a living soul is in there."

I heard a cry from the center of the first pit.  I saw a soul in the form of a skeleton, crying, "Jesus, have mercy!"

"O, Lord!" I said.  It was the voice of a woman.  I looked at her and wanted to pull her out of the fire.  The sight of her broke my heart.

The skeleton form of a woman with a dirty-grey mist inside was talking to Jesus.  In shock, I listened to her.  Decayed flesh hung by shreds from her bones, and, as it burned, it fell off into the bottom of the pit.  Where her eyes had once been were now only empty sockets.  She had no hair.

The fire started at her feet in small flames and grew as it climbed up and over her body.  The woman seemed to be constantly burning, even when the flames were only embers.  From deep down inside her came cries and groans of despair, "Lord, Lord, I want out of here!"

A Divine REVELATION OF HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon